To fix a sagging or sticking door, start by inspecting the door, hinges, and frame. Find the cause of the sagging door and locate gaps and where the door is.
Inspect the door from inside or the side from where you can see the hinges. Tighten the screws in the hinges if they feel loose. Over time, the screws in your hinges might come loose and cause the door to sag downward.
To level a door on an uneven floor, level the floor itself. A sagging door can stick against the door jamb and make it difficult to open or close the door. To fix a misaligned door, use 2-3 match sticks and a little wood glue to set up for an hour and then re-mount the hinges.
A highly effective way to fix a sagging door is to replace one of the top-hinge screws with a 3-inch long screw. If the gap between the door and the frame is too small, adjust the hinges. To bend the hinge, place the butt end of a nail between the hinge and the frame.
Add a shim or two to the bottom hinge and remove the three screws that hold the hinge to the door jamb. This will help ensure the door opens and closes smoothly.
📹 How To Series – Adjusting Interior Door
Looking for help around your house, check out our How To Series. This one features how to adjust an interior door. Check it out.
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