Albert Friedrich Schröder (1854-1939) was a German painter known for his historical and costume paintings, as well as his work as an illustrator. He was a pioneer in the development of Dutch residential architecture in the twentieth century. Schröder’s works often featured interior scenes, such as affluent parlours where well-to-do gentlemen passed the time through merry-making. In his painting “Couple in a Dutch hall interior”, he depicts a historicism scene with company at a table in the background.
Schröder’s work often included furniture such as the Berlin Chair, Zig-Zag Chair, The Schröder Table, and the famous Red and Blue Chair. The Schröder House, designed by Gerrit Rietveld, stands as one of the first buildings constructed using Neoplasticism concepts. Schröder’s work has been featured in various publications, including Gladwell and Patterson.
The Schröder House, designed by Gerrit Rietveld, stands as one of the first buildings constructed using the concepts of Neoplasticism. The painting is signed and inscribed “A. Schröder Mn”., and is available for both RF and RM licensing. The Schröder House is an outstanding example of a human creative genius and stands as one of the pioneers of the Dutch Modern House.
📹 Adolf Hitler The Conqueror – The Hitler Chronicles
Hilter, safeguarded by the Hitler-Stalin pact, makes a move to invade Poland; Great Britain and France are prompted to declare …
📹 Jump to… the Netherlands == Top 12 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in The Netherlands
Click here: In this video, we’ll take you on a journey through the Netherlands, …
31:25 One German plane made a navigation error and dropped their their bombs and on London not on the city itself, the pilot was called to Berlin for a reprimand Prior to this German pilots were constantly reminded not to bomb London. The following night Churchill sent 80 heavy bombers to bomb Berlin seven nights continuously, Hitler refused to retaliate it threatened to do so, but after a week then he ordered London bombed and the air war between Germany and London started.
Вы европейцы и Америка никогда не победите Россию… это я вам говорю Украинец из Сибири в третьем поколении… Зачем вы лезете к нам в страну Америка Европа… мой дед Украинский Сибиряк отстоял Москву в 1941, за что и фильм… вы устроили Войну, но вы до конца не поняли минталитета Российских тем более Сибирских Украинцев, нас Украинцев в Сибири больше чем на Украине
16 European countries and Canada have laws against denying the Haulocaust, Member States will ensure that these conducts are punishable by criminal penalties of a maximum of at least between 1-3 years of imprisonment. American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 — 15,600,000 World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population — 15,319,359 World Almanac, 1941, pg. 510: World Jewish Population — 15,748,091 World Almanac, 1942, pg. 849 — 15,192,089, “Jews include Jews by race not necessarily by religion” World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population — 15,690,000 World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population — 15,713,638 The World Almanac and Book of Facts is a US-published reference work, an almanac conveying information about such subjects as world changes, tragedies, and sports feats. It has been published yearly from 1868 to 1875, and again every year since 1886
Interesting and informative. Excellent photography job enabling viewers to better understand what /whom the orator was describing. Special thanks to veteran soldiers/civilians sharing personal information/combat experiences. Making this documentary more authentic and possible. Thru diaries/memoirs left behind for historians to replicate & share with viewers today. The German generals made a major military operations error. Placing the disillusioned WW-1 dispatch runner 🏃. Corporal Hitler as dictator 😈 to have final say. Over ruling his experience/seasoned generals operational military plans. A lucky break for the allies by 1943!!!
⚡When we finally look beyond the industrialized lies about WWII that were slyly enforced onto American kids absent a hint of fact, we are stunned to see that when it came to leadership of the two sides the allies were the BAD GUYS. Everyone beneath these deluded and compromised schemers being the soldiers on both sides were great and heroic. The west was tricked into a costly war by an actual and verified criminal conspiracy of Churchill. The stupidity of spy surrounded FDR, amoral aberration Stalin and the disaster named Churchill maneuvered the allies into the war and ruined Britain. Everything we were taught about Hitler was lies fabricated by those people he was right about all along. Now the West has been destroyed by it’s news media owners.
Schon der erste Satz… erstmal komplett weggelassen dass es nach dem ersten Wk zu Massenarbeitslosigkeit kam und große Teile des Militärs aufgelöst wurden, was der Grund für seine Arbeitslosigkeit und die Millionen anderer ist (von 4 Millionen auf 100 tausend eingestampft) und warum er an die Macht kam ist auch sehr eindeutig geklärt…
Hitler made an oath while in prison, that he will kneel France! That he will make France sign its capitulation in the same train, same place, same time, the same French General, that Germany signed during the ww1. And he crushed France during the ww2, and if it wasn’t for the US and the UK to save them, the French would be speaking German today. Now that’s badass, hands down. It took 7 years, for the biggest powers of that era to defeat Germany.
It has been proven that Prescott Bush, grandfather of US President George W. Bush, was one of the names that brought the Nazis to power. It was stated that Grandfather Bush was the managing partner of companies that provided financial support to the Nazis. This fact is also accepted in the documents of the US National Archives, according to the news of The Guardian newspaper published in England. Accordingly, Prescott Bush continued to feed Hitler until the “Anti-Trading with the Enemy Act” was passed in 1942. News that Grandfather Bush helped the Nazis has been in the media for a long time. However, according to information, some of which was disclosed last year, Grandfather Bush continued to do business with Nazi-financing companies even after the USA entered the war. It is known that Grandfather Bush made his fortune from these commercial relations and built his political career on his wealth. The lawsuit filed by two workers who accused the USA of using Jews in the concentration camp Auschwitz as slave-laborers and the three books written on the subject, led to Bush’s decision before the presidential elections. It was a new blow to the. The company called Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), where Grandfather Bush worked, was used as a base by German businessman Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was one of Hitler’s biggest supporters. Union Banking Corporation, headquartered in New York, represented Thyssen’s US investments. This company was headed by Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the current US President.
Stop the Naziphobia ! Im not scared what they did to those prisoners inside the concentration camps cause they were nothing but criminals … im scared about how people can accepted this bull crap : ( ” ww2 official version ” ) …… religions as a sophisticated terrorist weapon ever created, and voting for gangster like Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill,, its amazing and dangerous at the same time … All that was a set up to make A.H. look bad for the next 80 years and counting, Sabotages and setting ups since 1919, oh but we ain’t got time for any treaty of Versailles isn’t ? Stop blaming Germans for stuff Mossad, Zionism, Masons, bolchevism, federal reserve gangsters did and still out there getting away with it, Rest in peace all the germans who tried to liberate america and Europe from the real mafias !.🙏
Bis heute scheint es unerklärlich wie er an die Macht gelangen konnte? Nun, man muss doch nur mal die Karrieren einiger Versager aus den Reihen der AfD anschauen. Dann weiß man, wie das geht. Große Fresse, die Bevölkerung aufwiegeln, populistisches Dummgeschwätz und Lügen. Mehr brauchts eigentlich nicht um die Deppen um sich zu scharen.
es hat sich ja auch heute nichts geändert, wir meinen im 21. Jhdt. sind die Menschen klüger? Weit gefehlt, wenn man sich die Staaten ansieht, die von Nationalisten regiert werden, auch in Europa muss einem ja Angst und Bang werden. Eine dumpfe und dumme Masse an Menschen ” wünschen” sich einen starken Führer, der ihr Leben verbessert und ihre dummen Ängste versteht. alles was diese Führer je gemacht haben oder machen werden, ihre Verehrer und Wähler verlieren erst mal ihre Freiheit und dann unter Umständen werden sie im Krieg verbrannt. Soviele junge Menschen wie noch nie glauben Demokratie ist schlecht !! Das muss man sich vorstellen. Zig Jahre Demokratie haben den Wohlstand aufgebaut in dem sie leben und alle Freiheiten und Möglichkeiten haben. Aber augenscheinlich fehlt es an Intelligenz um zu ahnen, was diese ” Führer” immer und überall hinterlassen haben. Tod, Zerstörung, Freiheitsberaubung. All diese jungen Demokratiegegner können dann ihre Worklife-Balance im Krieg verbringen.
Der übliche einseitige Propagandamist der Sieger, den die schreiben die Geschichte. Ricarda Lang, Schnatterliese Baerbock und Habeck der Märchenerzähler haben nix vernünftiges gelernt, Lang hat gar keinen Abschluss und so Leute sitzen heute in den höchsten Ämtern und fahren Deutschland an die Wand. Nicht zu vergessen der demente Scholz, der ewig grinsende Bundeskanzler. Aber klar, heute ist alles besser. 🙂
It is a good idea to study IQ estimates on top nazi leaders. They all were much above the average IQ level close to Mensa membership or above. They were not lazy either but worked hard years to meet their goals. It is absolutely stupid to give a picture of Hitler as a person who did not want to work hard. He really did. It is a pity nazis used their capabilities for evil things.
I have always been interested in the history of WW2. Studied it every chance I could. In the Army, was eventually stationed in Germany and took tours, when available, to the south… Bavaria. What I never could figure out with the Nazi logic of a thousand year reich and the master race, that you had to prove you were deserved of inclusion. How in the hell did short, bald spectacle wearing men become Nazi’s…let alone SS and be the leader of the SS. Their entire spiel was ludicrous.
Hitler war das Schlimmste, was Europa nur passieren konnte! Die Engländer unter Chamberlain und die Franzosen haben ihn aber auch groß gemacht! Bis zum Angriffskrieg gegen Polen am 31.August 1939 hat er sich vorher in Europa bedient und beim Münchner Abkommen wurde die Tschechoslowakei dann auch noch ” verkauft”! Sie haben in groß werden lassen, die Franzosen und die Engländer! Und dass man ohne Abschluss in höchste politischer Ämter gelangen kann, zeigt uns ja die noch aktuelle deutsche Bundesregierung! Man sollte sich tunlichst vor Politikern schützen, die keinen Abschluss, dafür aber eine ganz große Klappe haben!
Lieber Freund! Wenn Sie Jesus Christus noch nicht als Ihren Herrn und Retter Ihrer Seele angenommen haben, ermutigen wir Sie, dies jetzt zu tun, indem Sie sich ihm zuwenden. 💖Himmlischer Vater! Ich komme im Gebet zu dir und erkenne all meine Sündhaftigkeit. Gott, im Namen deines Sohnes Jesus Christus, vergib mir alle meine Sünden und reinige mich von aller Ungerechtigkeit. Ich will nicht so leben. Ich glaube, dass Jesus Christus für meine Sünden am Kreuz gestorben und am dritten Tag für meine Rechtfertigung auferstanden ist. Herr, ich bitte Dich, in mein Herz zu kommen, mich zu heiligen, mein Hirte zu sein und mein ganzes Leben zu führen. Danke, dass du mein Gebet erhörst und mich so annimmst, wie ich bin. Ich nehme gerade jetzt im Glauben Deine Vergebung und die Errettung meiner Seele für das ewige Leben an. Im Namen des Vaters, des Sohnes und des Heiligen Geistes. Amen!
Isn’t bickering amongst yourselves exactly what starts a obnoxious feeling add millions of like-minded people and there you go it’s running like Wildfire would it be fair to say that we’ve learnt nothing from that period look at the way leaders today that love acting like the gestapo they can stop you search you for no reason you can’t step outside your house without surveillance you can’t go online without surveillance free speech is being contained as much as possible and some we didn’t even vote for the last two prime ministers in the UK did anyone vote whether we play a role in Ukraine or not they want us to no longer work for paper they want you to work for nothing! Digits on a computer screen fingerprint scan retina scan DNA scans access to know where each and every one of us are at each and every second of the day with this device in our pockets power To observers All from a little machine called Alexa in the corner of the room forget about looking at the past people I’d start worrying about our future because it’s already started!. Thank you.
You Europeans and America will never defeat Russia… I’m telling you this, a third generation Ukrainian from Siberia… Then you come to our country America Europe… my grandfather Ukrainian Siberian defended Moscow, for which the film… you started the War, but you didn’t fully understand the mentality of Russians, especially Siberian Ukrainians, there are more of us Ukrainians in Siberia than in Ukraine
E’ da preocciparsi che ora si cominci a riconoscergli dei meriti . Si capisce che il Nazismo vive ancora nella societa’ occidentale depravata e satanista . Sta rialzando la testa aiutato da quelli che il Nazismo perseguitava . Il male sembra avere mai fine . Sempre e’ meglio conoscerlo per poterlo combattere ed eliminare in maniera definitiva .
In this film, they forgot that the Soviet Union saved the whole world from fascism.Britain and the United States entered the war, opening the second front only on June 6, 1944, with the invasion of France, this was the end of the war.Thus, they were waiting for someone to join them.The Soviet Union fully won the war with its huge victims of 27 million.Learn the history of forgers.🙌
Здесь не было ни одного нового документа,или даже забытой старой цитаты из писателей 20 века.Просто такие видео появляются постоянно,когда американские вчерашние студенты находят в сети материалы из архивных собраний Европы или СССР – им кажется,что они совершили открытие равное Христофору Колумбу,НО МЫ ЭТО УЖЕ ЗНАЛИ В 14 ЛЕТ И ДАЖЕ УСПЕЛИ ПОЗАБЫТЬ .
Folks in the US followed DT blindly to Jan 6 in the most powerful country on earth with all the rights. HOWEVER In 1933 Germans were in the depths of hunger and dispair and decided to follow AH who fed them not only with words but filled their bellies and then conquered Europe seven years later. To have witnessed so much in seven years you just had to follow AH..