Conan Exiles is a game that offers players the option to build bases in controlled environments, with building materials divided into tiers: T1, T2, and T3. These materials are generally faster to obtain and have vastly different textures, which can reduce the legibility of screenshots. The game also provides resources for crafting, but resources are gained directly by harvesting.
Building materials in Conan Exiles are divided into three subcategories: High Grade (25 P) and Low Grade (50 P). The game allows players to explore their locations and surroundings to find materials needed for crafting. The game has three main building tiers: Sandstone Flotsam, Stonebrick Insulated Wood, and Reinforced Stone Black Ice-Reinforced.
The game also offers various building materials and resources, such as steel bars, steel reinforcement, steel hatchet, steel pickaxe, steel fire, and iron bars. Khitai building material should be compared to black ice for frost resistance, while reinforced stone is heat resistance.
Conan Exiles offers three foundation styles, two windows, and two half-walls, all of which can be used to build your burgeoning base. The game also includes a Stygian build style, similar to Murun and Sepermeru, and offers three foundation styles, two windows, and two half-walls. By considering these factors, players can save time and effort in crafting their base in Conan Exiles.
📹 Unlimited Knowledge Points: How to Unlock All Knowledge – Guide | Conan Exiles
A guide to how to unlock all Knowledge in Conan Exiles. We show you how you can get additional Knowledge Points to unlock …
📹 Conan Exiles: Foundation vs Pillar/Ceiling Combo (Tutorial/ No Mods)
Foundation vs Pillar/ Ceiling Combo Wak4863 Video:”560″ height=”315″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen>
Another great, clear article providing good information 🙂 Just to add a little extra maths – I did a bit of testing on the Library of Esoteric Artifacts a while back – putting 1000 fragments into it, resulted in 23-48 copies of each recipe. This suggests that variance remains the biggest factor, even at a very large sample size, and that there is around 2 to 5% chance of getting the recipe you want with any individual fragment traded. It’s also worth noting that within each subset of 200 fragments traded, there was potential to still miss a recipe entirely. I still trade fragments for recipes, because there’s fun stuff to get, but it’s good to understand how low the chances are of getting one specific recipe you’re after.
Super useful. I didn’t actually max out my total ammount of knowledge points yet, but since infamous Yellow Lotus potion is still spreading loss of recipies when used maybe it’s better to grind them fragments of power. I finally know how to craft that tablet of power. Long time ago one player told me about it but I never knew how to craft it.
Excellent article. Do you have a article covering where most relic chests spawn? Are they only on the unnamed city? I came across some small language chests while farming named thralls from Pagoda of Boundless Lusts (Jungle SE corner) It looks like there are two relic chests? * relic fragment chest * Scroll of Language chest Edit: Clarified 2nd relic chest with info. from pixelcave.
A few years ago that was true about the foundations causing more lag. It has since been better optimized so each piece causes the same amount of lag problems. That said, the ceiling and pillar method will cause more lag but it does give you greater flexibility in your build for aesthetics as you noted. On many private servers there is a building limit for number of building pieces so that becomes another factor in your builds. All in all, I really appreciate your builds and especially so clearly showing that pillar trick to move pillars to the corners. You also just cleared up the issue for me on why I wasn’t getting some of the stability I was expecting from the pillars where I didn’t go all the way to the ground. Keep up the great articles.
I’ve tested both structures using Pillars and ceilings and using foundations with the /ToggleDebugHUD command and the FPS can be felt a lot. You have less frame drops with ceilings and pillars than foundations and the main cause is not those two pieces along but the torches animation or any other brazier that uses that display. Also, using a lot of Planters as decoration it reduce the frames by a margin compared to not using them at all. Exalted temples seems to cause a big issue when dropping frames compared to previously mentioned building pieces and torches/braziers. The “optimization” some people brings up it still an issue. Same as when climbing got fixed back in People Of The Dragon DLC patch day, they completely ruined climbing straight surfaces, that includes: stairs inside dungeons, your own building pieces and any other flat surface you can think of when trying to reach the top. Thanks as always for your articles, love your website.
The issue with the server stability was stacked foundations specifically but regardless if you put enough clutter in one location or have a giant base with lots of npcs, then you will get some kind of performance hit no matter what. Even though a lot of admins will witch hunt over a couple of stacked foundations meanwhile they have 4 giant ass RP bases with 120 npcs each.
This week I built my first ceiling combo based villa just to try this out. Used sandstone as it was just a test so resources were not an issue. Pillar trick was easier and now I make everything with corner pillars as I really prefer the look. On this particular villa lag seemed to be a lot worse than at my main base which is five times bigger, though I’m playing solo so this is just pulling resources from my personal PC, so not sure if it’s the same on an actual server. Thanks for the vid. Helpful.
this is an old myth about foundations yet some server owners (who are not developers) keep with it. thrall wars mod developer addressed this issue way back in 2018. Q:: Some servers claim that foundations lag more than other things like more than pillars is that true ? A:: Again its hard to know what that is based on, there once was old myth that foundations had scripts and other building parts did not. But that one is of course just a myth all Building parts run similar scripts. Lag from building parts in the end only comes down to how many vertices they have, And does foundation have more vertices than pillar ? Maybe some types, and maybe some types of pillars have more than foundations. Base shape of both is just cube, then rest of vertices goes in whatever decorative shape is embedded in them.
2:51 In regards to foundations causing server issues, this is correct. I don’t understand the mechanics of it, but one of the private servers I played on for much of the life of CE, the guy who ran it made his own mod for the server. According to him, it had something to do with all the different snap points that foundations have (or something to that effect). He was an IT professional and knew how to figure out what was happening, so the server ended up severely limiting the number of foundations that could be used per base. While it is more expensive to do the pillar/ceiling combo as you pointed out, it’s far better on server stability and lag. As I understand it placeable objects can also cause issues when there are lots of them, especially torches/open flames. The lanterns are much better for reducing issues, but unfortunately don’t provide nearly enough light in my opinion.
Down side to this. I play on RP servers and always have to use Foundations. This is due to the fact that most RP servers place a Build piece limit per player/clan on the server. This is to try and limit too much build spam. I would love to see you do some nice RP builds using certain build limits to see what kind of designs you can come up with!