To run pipes through walls and floors in remodeling projects, home additions, or new construction, two options are to cut a notch in one or more of the studs or use couplings. The pipe should be cut into sections short enough to thread through two holes and use one or more couplings to join them together. Each coupling will add ½ inch to the length of the pipe.
To install pipes for plumbing fixtures in new or remodeled bathrooms and kitchens, gather the necessary tools and materials, including a stud finder, drill, reciprocating saw, pipe cutter, and a level. Use a copper riser clamp on the inside wall and secure it to the wood with two 2″ screws and washers placed on either side of the pipe, and between the halves.
For drainage and ventilation, learn how to install copper and plastic pipes through studs for drainage and ventilation. Find out the size, slope, and code requirements for different types of pipes and fixtures. Use a stainless steel hose clamp and L-brackets to clamp the L-brackets to the pipe.
To run copper supply lines around obstructions like drain or vent pipes, use four 45-degree elbows for smoother water flow. Use copper straps/strapping and secure them with copper nails, widely available and usually come in packs of straps. A pex is the most flexible and has the tightest bend radius. If running parallel to the studs, run some type of furring across the studs first, then run the tubing over them with the flooring open enough to attach onto the copper lines and 90 towards the wall and up in it.
📹 Plumbers never want you to know this! Fastest technique to install metal water pipes inside wall
Plumbers never want you to know this! Fastest technique to install metal water pipes inside wall installing metal water pipe is …
How to run copper water lines through walls?
This tutorial teaches homeowners how to install copper supply lines in their homes. It covers drilling holes, installing braces, arranging pipes, sweating pipes, attaching a copper supply strap, using elbows, and cutting notches. The process takes about 4 hours and requires an intermediate skill level. Despite the initial intimidation, with the right tools and tips, this job doesn’t require professional help. Follow the step-by-step instructions to get the job done right the first time.
How to support copper pipes in a wall?
Cable, Conduit, and Duct Ties are fast and convenient methods for securing cables and tubing. Flat Tube Nailers are copper-plated and provide quick nail support for copper, PVC, CPVC, galvanized, and PEX piping. Copper and Steel Pipe Hooks support piping under wooden joists, rafters, or trusses. These supports provide protection against potential failures related to water hammer, weight load, floor and ceiling penetrations, and more. Choosing quality pipe supports is essential for securing plumbing, hydronic supply lines, DWV drainage, and supporting work with brackets and bars.
Should plumbing pipes be inside or outside the wall?
Insulating water pipes can save energy by minimizing heat loss through the piping, reducing the risk of condensation forming, mold and moisture damage, and protecting pipes from freezing and cracking in winter. Studies by the Department of Energy’s Building America program show that distribution heat loss in uninsulated hot water pipes can range from 16 to 23, depending on the climate. Adding 3/4-inch pipe insulation can cut overall water heating energy use by 4 to 5 annually.
The best practice is to avoid having water pipes located in exterior walls or through unheated attics, and to protect pipes from heat loss, the wall cavity containing the pipes should be air-sealed by caulking or foaming seams between the back wall of the cavity and the framing, and by sealing any holes through the framing for the piping. Insulating the steam distribution and return pipes can reduce heatloss by up to 90%, providing a quick payback on investment.
How do you cover pipes on the inside of a wall?
Boxing in your bathroom pipework is a cost-effective and easy way to conceal exposed pipes. Use sealant around the edges of the wooden frame covering the pipes, paint or decorate it to your liking, or tile it directly to blend in with your bathroom scheme. This method can be applied to all types of bathroom pipes, such as floor pipes, vertical waste pipe stacks, and even houseplants. The box can be turned into a storage shelf or a structure that supports a beautiful houseplant, making it a versatile and cost-effective solution for hiding exposed pipes.
How do you cut copper pipes inside the wall?
Copper pipes, once a popular choice for plumbing pipes, are increasingly being replaced by alternatives like polyethylene flexible tubing (PEX). During renovations, removing tiles and peeling back a bathroom wall may reveal the piping underneath. To remove the piping, parts of the pipes may need to be cut down to size and larger fittings removed. A multi-tool, such as the SMART 35mm Metal Cutting Blade or “Metal Buster”, is the perfect solution for these narrow and awkward spaces.
The “Metal Buster” Blade is equipped with incredibly tough tungsten carbide toothing, making it a breeze for jobs containing non-ferrous metals like copper piping. Tungsten carbide is a popular choice for cutting blades and drill bits due to its rigidity and ability to endure high-speed cutting that generates heat. It is available for both universal and Starlock fitment multi-tools, making it a reliable choice for cutting through copper pipes embedded in walls.
In narrow and awkward spaces, a careful flush cut with a multi-tool will achieve better results. The SMART 35mm Metal Cutting Blade is the perfect multi-tool attachment for these applications, as it is equipped with incredibly tough tungsten carbide toothing, making it a reliable choice for tasks involving non-ferrous metals like copper piping.
How do you hide copper pipes on the wall?
Boxing in copper radiator pipes is a common and affordable solution for hiding exposed pipes. This involves building a box around the pipes using straight pieces of wood and painting them to match the decor. However, this method can be bulky and may make the room feel cluttered or small.
An alternative is to install specially-adapted skirting boards that can accommodate pipes. These boards have a recessed section on the backside, allowing them to be placed flush against the wall even if there are pipes in the way. Opting for pipe-friendly models can be a simple and cost-effective way to conceal pipes in plain sight.
Installing pipe sleeves is another option for covering copper pipes that come down vertically from radiators or straight out from the wall to the unit before going beneath the floors. These sleeves slot over the pipework and enhance their look, but they may not completely hide them. For an attractive finish, consider getting pipe sleeves that match the color of your valves or radiator or match them to other fixtures in the room.
It is best to install pipe sleeves during the radiator installation stage, but they can be added after, requiring removing the valves. Pipe sleeves can be cut to any length and offer a finishing detail that ties your home together.
Can you put copper pipes in the wall?
Before cutting into brickwork, check for pipes or cables and ensure cut-out channels are horizontal or vertical. If using copper pipes, install them in the newly formed channel, while copper or plastic pipes should be housed in a plastic channel or conduit. After installation, plaster the wall for a smooth surface for decorating. Use a vacuum extraction tool like the Hilti wall chaser to minimize dust. If exposed pipes can’t be chased into a wall, consider hiding them using alternative methods.
Do copper pipes sweat inside walls?
Pipes can sometimes sweat due to condensation, where cold water inside the pipes meets warm, humid air in a building. This condensation attracts moisture from the warm air, causing it to condense on the pipes. However, prolonged excess moisture can lead to the breakdown of pipes’ integrity, causing mold growth and corrosion. To determine if pipes are sweating or leaking, consider their location, as most pipes are exposed to the moist, warm air. If pipes have condensation and are outside or in a cool area, they may have a leak.
How do you insulate copper pipes in the wall?
Insulating pipes is a crucial step in maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient home. It involves cutting a section of a foil pipe cover, which can be secured with double-sided tape. This method can be time-consuming due to the precision required for measurements. However, proper insulation can lead to lower energy bills, as hot water remains at a high temperature inside the pipes for hours. This not only conserves energy but also ensures hot water is always available on tap. Insulating water pipes is a simple task that can be done by oneself, making it a convenient and cost-effective solution for maintaining a comfortable home.
Can plumbing be on interior wall?
Water-related plumbing should be placed in interior walls and not in exterior walls or unheated attics. If plumbing is in exterior walls, pipes should be well-insulated and air-sealed to protect them from heat loss. Cavity insulation should be installed behind pipes and between them and the exterior wall. Common places for exterior wall plumbing include basement bathrooms, attics, shower heads in ceilings, laundry hook-ups, and kitchen sinks.
To keep pipes warm and prevent freezing, any necessary measures should be taken. Exterior plumbing is commonly found in areas where there is no other place for the plumbing to go, such as basement bathrooms, attics, shower heads in ceilings, laundry hook-ups, and kitchen sinks.
Can copper pipes be exposed?
Exposed plumbing pipes, particularly copper pipes, are a popular design feature in some homes. They add a dynamic touch to the room, but it’s important to consider the safety of leaving them exposed. While exposed pipes can add dimension to a home, there are some situations where they may not be safe to be exposed. It’s essential to consider the potential risks and consider the safety of your pipes when deciding to leave them exposed.
📹 How to Solder Pipes in Walls or Floors
Learn how to solder pipes inside walls or floors #solder #plumbing #diy #homerepairtutor How to Solder Pipes in Walls or Floors …
Si la tubería de cobre con conecciones de bronce y cobre van soldadas con estaño y después son sepultadas en pisos y muros con el tiempo y el uso tienden a tener fugas imagínate está tubería que lleva de chile y de dulce pero además se nota frágil y débil y que está pegada con saliva cuánto tiempo le das de vida y tener que romper una loseta o azulejo que después no encuentras y te quede tu baño todo parchado
孔子說:「君子必先使自己身心安穩,然後才可以行動;必先換個角度為人著想,使自己心平氣和,然後再開口說話;必先以誠信待人,建立信譽,然後才可以提出要求。君子能修養這三點,所以與人和睦相處,無所偏失。」 孔子說:「一個人如果沒有深遠的思慮,他必然隨時遭遇不可預測的憂患。」 意謂,就辦事方面,無論大小,目標要遠大,辦法要周詳,又要預防流弊;做人方面,也要有遠大的志向、長久的規劃,否則憂患就在眼前。 老子說:我有三種法寶,要保持而且要永遠守住。 一是仁慈,二是節儉,三是不敢居於天下人的前面。 人最高的境界是樂於為善,其次是習慣為善,其下是能夠勉勵自己努力為善。(曾子) 修養自己的德行,而不去責難別人,就會免於遭受禍難。(春秋左氏傳上) 仁厚是德行的根本,忠誠是道義的要素。仁厚的人不會遺棄疏遠故舊,忠誠的人不會忘記領導的恩德,這是高尚的品行。(後漢書二) 君子看到益卦,就知道見到別人的善言善行就應該努力效仿,有過錯就要立即改正。(周易) 哪個人沒有犯過錯誤?犯了過錯能改正,沒有比這更大的善行了。(春秋左氏傳中) 書名:群書治要。 明朝有位好官名叫楊旬,他常做十大善事,做了幾十年: 1.有冤獄必定辨明。 2.收棄嬰雇人餵奶。 3.老、幼、苦人送米。 4.不收錢送湯藥。 5.貧苦死亡送棺材。 6.窮女出嫁送衣裳。 7.自己戒殺放生。 8.荒年買米救濟老殘。 9.修橋補路開山道。 10.異鄉窮人送路費。 兒子受感化,認真讀書,日後亦考取狀元。 施棺濟葬五世其昌 明朝初年,江蘇南京城有一位善人甯從禮,捨施棺材。貧苦人家有喪事,他就捨施棺材,如缺錢埋葬,他又送給錢、米。他享壽百歲故世,並托夢給家人說:我助葬多年,利人不計其數。上蒼念我陰功,已賜福我兒孫。小孫兒甯謙光明年中狀元。後來謙光果然高中狀元。 在浙江杭州一帶,以富豪稱雄的,在清朝有關、汪、孫、趙四個大家族。他們都是存心動念,莫不在於利益萬物,濟助急難之人,孜孜不倦,毫不厭煩。 關家而言,如關槐的祖父,當提報為官時,還不斷地執筆增註【丹桂籍】一書。 汪家則佈施、贈送紫霞丹等救急的藥丸,好幾代都未停止。 孫家則時常印送各類的善書,近年又印送【玉曆】來警醒世人。 趙家則遵信【玉曆】中的指示,印贈【玉曆】,並佈施棺木,救濟貧窮不幸死亡的人,並佈施棉衣,幫助受凍的人。 以上四大家族的前人,就是如此存心的。因此,其後人不只是現在家境富裕豐厚,而且子孫貴顯的很多。累積善行,可以承天之幸,降下吉祥,不只利益他人,同時也恩澤了自己的後人。這些事例,可以做為確實的證據。我十分恭謹地將所看到的,聽聞到的,舉例出來,勸導相信的人,多行善德。 以上都是【李氏求己堂集】中所記載的。 滁州,魯兆熊先生因為母親病重,請醫生來治療。醫生說:「已經病入膏肓了。」 就收手不想開藥。兆熊先生於是叩禱慈悲的佛祖加被,並發願印送二百本的 【玉曆】,祈求母親生病痊癒。結果不到半個月,竟然不藥而癒了。 以上是兆熊先生親自對季亮先生說的事例。 書名:玉曆寶鈔。歡迎翻印 【了凡四訓】是改變命運的善書:謙德之效:(下篇) 書經上也說:「自滿、就要招到損害,自謙,就會受到益處。」我好幾次同許多人去應考,每次都見到貧寒的讀書人快要發達考中的時候,一定臉上有一片謙和安詳的光彩發出來,彷彿可以用手捧住的樣子。辛未年到京去會試,我同鄉嘉善人同去會試的有十人,只有丁敬宇年紀最小,極為謙虛,我告訴費錦坡說:「這位仁兄今年一定考中。」費說:「怎樣能看出來呢?」我說:「只有謙虛的人才能承受福報。兄台你看我們十人中,有信實誠懇,不敢出風頭,像敬宇的嗎?有恭恭敬敬,順從人意,小心謹慎,謙虛敬畏,像敬宇的麼?有受人侮辱而不回答,聽到人家毀謗他而不去爭辯,像敬宇的嗎?一個人能夠有這種修養,就是天地鬼神,也都要保佑他,難道有不發達的道理?」,等放榜,丁敬宇果然考中了進士。 丁丑年在京裏,同馮開之住在一處,看到他總是虛心自謙,面容和順,不會現出驕態,大大地改變了小時候的習氣。他有一位正直又誠實的朋友李霽嚴,常當面指責他的錯處,只看他到平心靜氣地接受朋友的責備,從不反駁一句話。我告訴他說:「一個人有福,一定有福的根苗。有禍,也一定有禍的預兆。只要這個心能謙虛,天一定幫助他,兄臺必定登第了!」後來果真考中。 趙裕峰,名光遠,是山東冠縣,不滿二十歲時,就中了舉人。後來又考會試,卻多次不中。他父親做嘉善縣的主薄,裕峰隨同他父親到任。裕峰非常羨慕嘉善名士錢明吾的學問,就拿自己的文章去見他,那曉得這位錢先生,竟拿起筆來,把他的文章全塗掉了,趙裕峰不但不發火,並且心服口服,趕緊把自己文章缺失改了。(如此虛心用功的年輕人,實在少有!)到了第二年,他就考上了科第。 壬辰年我進京覲見皇帝,見到夏建所,滿臉流露謙和光采,好像能夠迎面照人似。回來告訴朋友說:「凡是上天要使這個人發達,在沒有發他的福時,一定發他的智慧。這種智慧一發,那就浮滑的人自然會變得舉止穩重、行事實在,放肆的人也會懂得自我約束、收斂言行。建所溫和善良到這種地步,是已經發了智慧,上天一定要發他福了。」等開榜,建所果然中了。 江陰有一位讀書人張畏嚴,學問很好,文章做很好,在當時讀書人之中很有名聲。甲午年南京鄉試,他借住一處寺院裏,等到放榜,榜上沒他名字。他不服氣,大罵考官,認為沒有眼光。 有一位道士在旁微笑,張畏嚴遷怒道士。道士說:「你的文章,一定不好。」張畏嚴更加發怒道:「你沒看到我的文章,怎知道不好?」道士說:「聽說寫文章重在心平氣和,現在聽你這樣怒罵,心裡不平到了極點,文章怎麼能夠寫得精巧呢?」張聽了道士的話,覺得很有道理,因此,就轉過來向道士請教。 道士說:「要考中功名,全要靠命,命裏不該中,文章雖好,也是沒有用。自己必須在性情上先做個轉變。」張問道:「既然是命,怎樣去改變呢?」道士說:「造命的權,雖然在天,立命的權,還是在我,只要努力去做善事,多積陰德,有什麼福報不能求到?」張說:「我是個窮讀書人,能做什麼善事呢?」道士說:「行善事,積陰功,都是心地做出來的。只要常存做善事、積陰功的心,功德就無量無邊。像謙虛這件事,不必花費錢,你怎麼不自我反省,偏偏罵考官呢?」 張畏嚴從此痛改前非,轉變以往驕慢,隨時隨地自我約束,每天加緊修善,因此功德天天增長。 到丁酉年,有一天,他夢到自己走進一棟高樓裡,看到一本考試錄取的名冊,中間有許多缺行。他好奇就問旁邊的人。那人說:「這是今年考試錄取名冊。」張問:「為什麼缺少那麼多名字?」那人道:「陰間對那些考試的人,每年三年查考一次,一定要積德沒有過失,才能榜上留名。這冊子的缺額,都是本來該考中,因為做了不厚道的行為,才被剔除。」後來他又指一行說:「你三年來律己相當謹慎,或許可以補上這個空缺,希望你能自愛。」張畏嚴果然中一百零五名。 佛教 :♥️財佈施得財富、功德。♥️法佈施:得聰明智慧。♥️無畏布施是因,得到的果報是健康長壽。 萬物有恐怖、有畏懼、生命受到威脅,你幫助他離開一切恐怖,讓他身心安穩,這叫無畏布施。 佛教:因為施捨心不貪欲、仁慈心不瞋恨、智慧心不愚癡的三種善行根本,是平等一樣。 樂於布施,這種人就能壞滅五種弊病惡法:第一是邪惡謬見,第二是沒有信仰心,第三是放肆縱逸,第四慳吝心,第五是瞋怒癡迷。捨離這惡法以後,內心生起歡喜,因為歡喜的緣故,甚至獲得真正的解脫。這種人現在世就得四種好的果報;第一是一切人都樂於看見他,甚至怨家也一樣;第二是善好的名聲流傳廣布,遍於四方各處;第三是進入廣大群眾時,內心沒有怖畏;第四是所有一切善人,都樂意來親近依附。 忍辱:有人生起瞋恨恚怒心,用惡劣的口氣責罵,應當閉口默不回聲,但也不捨棄他。 有智慧的人,樂於修習忍受侮辱行,這種人常會得到顏面容色和氣喜悅,和好快樂歡喜笑,他人看見生歡喜心。 眾生如果能夠修習積集仁慈心,這種人當會得到無法計量的功德。修習仁慈心時,如果能先於怨家中施給平安,這就名叫做修仁慈心。 如果能夠修習忍受侮辱行,應當知道這就是修習仁慈心的主因助緣,仁慈心,就是一切安樂的主因助緣。 觀察善行優點,仁慈心。 修慈心得無量功德。 歡迎翻印
所以吉祥的人,因為他的 ♥️語善♥️視善♥️行善 ♥️一天有三種善事,積滿三年,上天必定會降福於他。 老子說:「聰明深察,而近於死者,好譏議人者也。」(意即:「其人有聰明才智,又能夠深入觀察,卻使自己陷入死地的,這種人大多是喜歡譏笑批評他人。) 宋朝鎮江太守葛繁,每天都做幾件善事,四十年不曾間斷。有人向他請教,葛繁說:「我沒有其他方法,只是每天做一兩件利益他人的事情而已。」因而指著座位間的踏板說:「如果這個踏板放得不正,就會妨礙人走路,我就隨手將它擺正;又如別人口渴,就請他喝水。這些都是利人之事,從公卿將相到乞丐都可做到,只要持之以恆地去做,自然就會得利益。」 後漢的管寧,遇到窮困的親戚或鄰居,家中米糧不夠,管寧必會分送食物救濟他們。遇到為人子女的,必定跟他說孝道;遇到為人弟兄的,必定跟他說悌道;遇到為人臣子的,必定跟他說忠道。他的容貌謙恭言語柔順,能夠藉事勸導人向善,有慚愧心的人,無不受其感化。 人的性情各有不同,有人柔順,有人剛強;有人謹慎保守,有人豪放縱情;有人喜歡安靜,有人喜歡興風作浪。在遇到事情時,對是非判斷各有不同,總要看情況來圓滿其事。勿因自以為是,要對方必合我意,豈不又起爭執?即使有不合情理之處,讓人不忍旁觀,也只能心平氣和婉轉勸導,能做到如此地步,哪有不和睦的道理? 現在有許多親兄弟相互失歡,有些事情本是微不足道,最後卻弄到無法化解;只因失歡之後,各自負氣不肯相讓。如果其中有位較賢明的,甘願自己吃虧,能先低下心氣,先侍奉應承對方,主動與對方說話;則彼此就會開始應答,漸漸地恢復和好,像以前平時一樣。 王陽明先生曾說:「舜能夠感化同父異母的弟弟-象的關鍵,就是不去看象的不對。我認為骨肉至親之間,只應講情不應講理;如果一味地執著於理,必然會傷到感情,而傷到感情就不合理了。」 有人問宋朝的程子說:「事奉兄長已盡到情理,卻還得不到兄長歡心,那該怎麼辦?」程子回答:「只要以至誠心盡到孝敬,並不需刻意表明自己心意就可以了。」又問:「應要如何對待弟弟?」程子說:「只要誠心盡到友愛就可以了。」 宋朝的法昭禪師有一首偈子說:(意思是說:同一血氣的兄弟,就像樹木枝葉一樣各自發展,不要為了一些言語意見不同而傷感情。每次再相見時,人就老了一回,世上還有多少時間能夠再當兄弟?兄弟同住一起只要能忍就平安,不要因為一點小事而起爭端,目前自己生了兒子又是稱為兄弟,自己要做好榜樣給兒孫們看齊。) ♥️友悌♥️哥哥友愛弟弟,弟弟尊敬哥哥。 古人說:「薄待兄弟便是薄待了父母,薄待堂兄弟便是薄待了祖宗。因為樹木的根若有虧損,它的枝葉必會敗壞。」 隋朝時有位僧人,年紀已有一百多歲,曾告訴大眾說:「貧僧尊敬老人,就和尊敬自己父母一樣,事奉他們,就如同事奉菩薩一樣;凡是可以讓我盡力時,我沒有不盡心去做。貧僧今生能通達佛法真義,又能活得長壽,這都是因為尊敬老人所得的福報。所以希望大家不可欺侮老人,以致損福折壽。」 文昌帝君說:「讀書人隸屬於我薄冊管轄的人,都從「敬重文字」中得來。」 明朝的陳薦夫先生說:「仁慈的人捐出未用的多餘錢財,有智慧的人施捨不望回報的厚德,使將被殺害命在旦夕的生物,能在利刀宰割下脫困延命;使其驚駭無望的魂魄,能在瀕臨滾燙的鍋鑊上得救。這種功德,有三種是不固定放生,有的是對生物放生,有的是對人的放生,有的是自我放生。 凡像這些放生事情,隨著機緣及個人能力,選定適當時機去做,千萬不可以為殺害小動物就不是傷害,也勿以為放生小動物就沒利益。不要因怕勞煩而阻絕放生善念,不要因價錢談不攏而放棄放生善緣。 所以只要放下殺生,必定就能長生。 對人也應關懷。有些人受連累情況值得憐憫,有些人受冤枉或困窮未能受到救助;有些人遇到盜賊水火等災厄,有些人受疾病侵害生命垂危;有些人因經商失敗無法生活,有些人積欠賦稅無法償還想自殺。這些人如能以財貨幫他們打開生路,設法幫他們處理事情就能夠使他們脫困。這種人我來給他們放生,這比對動物的放生,更應去關心。所以回想我過去窮困時,希望別人救助的心態,自會感同身受盡力去關照;推想他人救護我時那種感恩心,自然心中就有功德歸屬感。」 漢朝的楊寶在九歲時,見到一隻黃雀被凶猛的大鴟鴞撲擊,掉落到地面;黃雀受傷跌落地後,又被群蟻圍困。楊寶趕快救起黃雀,放在箱裡保護,並用黃花餵食。等黃雀羽毛恢復後,立即將牠放走 有一天晚上,一位黃衣童子來向楊寶拜謝說:「我是西王母(又稱王母娘娘、瑤池金母)的使者,在我前往蓬萊仙島途中,經過此地遇到災難,幸而被你所救。為了感謝救命之恩,我要把這四個玉環送給你,它能讓你子孫將來作官都作到三公的高位,而且操守就跟玉環一樣潔白。」黃衣童子講完就不見了。後來楊寶生楊震,楊震生楊秉,楊秉生楊賜,楊賜生楊彪;祖孫四代全都官居三公,操守非常清白,當時確時沒人能跟他們相比。 李士謙,字子約,隋朝趙郡平棘(今河北趙縣)人,從小父親過世,事奉母親非常孝順。十二歲時,就被魏廣平王徵召為督撫的軍事參謀。家中富有,曾經出幾千石粟米借給鄉人濟困;剛好又碰到荒年歉收,就召集欠他粟糧的人家,把借據全都燒燬,並說:「債務都沒欠了。」來年春天,他又拿出粟糧種子分給窮人,因而救活許多人。有人死亡無錢埋葬,就幫他們埋葬。當地農民對他感恩載德,有人就稱讚他的陰德,李公說:「陰德就像耳鳴一樣,只有自己能夠知道,別人並不知道;現在你已知道,怎可說是陰德?」有一天,士謙夢到一位穿紫衣的神明告訴他說:「上帝嘉許你所積的陰德,要使你的後代昌盛無比。」 玄天上帝說:「遇到他人患難顛沛時,如能善用一句善言解救,這種功德,上可資薦祖先,下可福蔭兒孫。」又說:「推陷人和扶持人,一樣都是用手;陷害人與讚歎人,一樣都是用口。寧可用扶人的手,不要開害人的口;如能依照這話做,前程自然會長久。」 關夫子(即關公)的訓文說:「願上天常生好人,願世人常行好事,願嘴巴常說好話。」 《易經》說:「聖人能以委曲的方式來成就萬物而不遺漏。」 《道德經》說:「聖人常善於救人,所以沒有放棄不救的人;也常善於救物,所以沒被廢棄的東西。」 東嶽大帝說:「行善就像春天時田園裡的草一樣,雖然看不出它在生長,其實每天都有增長;作惡有如磨刀的石頭一般,雖然看不出它在減損,其實天天都在虧蝕。所以禍福都在暗中移轉,而迷惘的人則無法察覺。」 清朝崇明島(在長江入海口)的黃永爵,有位相士曾替他算命,斷定他一生都沒孩子,只能活到六十歲。後來南洋有一條船在海上遇到大風快翻了,黃永爵就急忙拿出十兩銀子,雇買漁船去搭救,共救活十三條人命。後來又遇到那位相士,他驚訝地說:「你滿臉陰騭紋(相術家稱眼眶下的紋是積陰德而來),一定是累積很大陰德,不但會有兒子,且會考上狀元,你自己也能得到長壽。」後來果然生了一個兒子名叫振鳳,考中康熙己未年的狀元,自己活到九十幾歲才善終。 慈為萬善的根本,也就是仁心。慈有兩種意義,一是救濟貧窮拔除痛苦。二是戒除殺生釋放生靈。積德累功的君子,不但要親愛自己親友,對人們也要仁慈,而對慈心所到之處,又應要擴及到萬物。 《楞嚴經》說:「當平心地,則世界地一切皆平(意即:想要大地平坦,首先要平心地,眾生心平,大地就平)。」 有位鄭鄰暴斃,到了冥府因為冥吏捉錯人,就放他回陽間,閻羅王向他說:「你回到陽間以後,要認真積德行善,看見有人殺生,你就為牠們念南無阿彌陀佛和觀世音菩薩聖號,被殺者即可仰仗佛力超生,你也可以得到福報。」 從前江陰(江蘇無錫市之北),有兩位讀書人奉命修訂縣志,見到兩位守節婦人的事蹟,就將她們刪除。當地城隍廟的道士,夜晚聽到兩位婦女向神明哭泣說:「我們兩人一生苦守貞節,死後被載入縣志,現在卻無故被人刪除。」神明說:「這兩位讀書人本可考上甲科進士,既然掩蓋別人節義事蹟,理當削除他們官祿。」二位婦人聽後,就哭著拜謝離去。到了隔年應試時,兩人果然成績太差,而被削除廩生俸祿,因此氣憤憂鬱而死。 書名:集福消災之道 選錄插圖本 歡迎翻印 宋代朱熹曾述:「善為傳家寶,忍是積德門。」
En realidad, no es una técnica de nada coherente, solo un catálogo de buenas.herramientas usadas incorrectamente. En la misma cañería usas fusiion, cobre y plástico pegado con silicona . Hacés una pestaña en un caño interior? Que pasa si por algun motivo tenés que cambiar ese orring de gona? Rompemos la pared? Entonces dejá una marca sebre la cerámica, para no romper tanto, porque en algun momento vas a tener que hacerlo. Tenes un a termofusora,, hace toda la cañería con fusión y no confundas a la gente, por favor
Why do manufactures of things goes through all the hassle to make instructions and recommendations on how to use their products when you can watch a YT article where all is shown about how to do things (fast, cheap and easy) ? Well could it be that the manufactures way of doing things are better, or more safe, or god forbid it, up to code ? This article is an insult to people with a brain, but it properly gives more likes and views that a article that explain how to do things the right way.
sencillamente no me parece esa modificacion que le ha hecho a ese esmeril es muy riesgoso lo que hizo ya que puede partirse y salir el disco y causarle un accidente no modifique ya pone en riesgo su vida, el disco gira de 10000 a 12000 rpm imaginese que se parta el tornillo y le sakga el disco a una velocidad he visto casos y aparte esta trabajando sin equipos de proteccion personal
Wann lernt Ihr endlich mal, zu unterscheiden zwischen “Klempner” und “Installateur”?! Der Installateur: Gas/Wasser/Sch…e und Heizung… der Klempner (früher: Blechner) arbeitet vorwiegend am Dach= Dachrinnen, Fallrohre, Dachabdeckungen mit Kupfer, Zink, Alu- Blech (und teilweise Walzblei). Früher gehörten diese Gewerke zusammen (Klempner/Installateur). Später haben die Dachdecker sich das Klempnerhandwerk unter den Nagel gerissen. Ich (aus dem Ruhrpott) habe noch beides erlernt (1968-1972) und über beide Gewerke gesondert eine Prüfung abgelegt. Auf diesem Weg bin ich später übrigens ins Dachdeckerhandwerk (ohne entsprechende Prüfg.) reingerutscht. Ein toller Beruf!!
Si queres salir lastimado hacelo como el article te indica, cuantas cosas mal en un mismo article. Forzas la moladora, forzas el disco, que se ve, que esta bailando varias veces, no usas la agarradera, cuando uno corta de forma normal la pared con la amoladora no se adhiere bien la mezcla, por esa razon es picar y quede desparejo para un mejor agarre de la mezcla. La parte de la Fusion no se gira para poder insertar las piezas porque se cierra por dentro y si tenes boquillas en buen estado y a la temperatura adecuada con un ligero movimiento va ingresar despacio, pero nunca girarlo como si estuvieras enroscando una pieza.
Le meilleur moyen de perdre un ou plusieurs doigts, au mieux, sinon c’ est le disque au diamant dans la figure ou le corps. je n’ approuve vraiment pas ce genre de vidéo .Vous ètes vraiment un grand malade . A ne pas reproduire il y à vraiment grand danger. De plus les EPI sur chantier cela n’ à pas l’ air d ‘ être votre soucis . Fileter du cuivre avec un accessoire galva, non mais je rêve
LMFAO, uk plumber here, him melting those plastic pipes, lmfao, yeah put that nonsense behind the wall, sure to leak later on at some point. Super LOL at threading the copper pipe and then melting on plastic fitting onto it. Anyone perusal this article, this is a disaster in the making. Do this at your own risk.
Plumbers are not hiding that in the UK, you would use proper fittings and pipe if pipe was hidden in cement wall. The water pressure in time in uk could make those heat expanded fittings leak. Did you glue those heat expanded fittings ?. I have been a plumber heating gas Engineer over 25 years, working in the UK USA and Spain. .
Metal flashing can also be used as a heat shield. Cheap white bread(no crust!) can be pushed in to the existing pipe to stop drips. Of course, draining the water in to containers to collect is always needed. Sometimes though, it will stop draining and you think you can proceed, only to find that more water starts draining again to quench your efforts.
Funny, I did not see him clean the inside of the copper pipe. You want the solder to melt with both the inside and outside of the pipe. He had the round wire brush right in his hand. He cleaned the inside of the new fitting but he didn’t do the same to the more important old pipe!!!! Take note!!! Also wear your safety glasses when playing with the flux. One little speck in your eye will burn for hours and hours!!! And he had them on his head as well!!! You should heat the fitting up enough so that you can remove your torch before you apply the solder. The torch will push the solder around whereas the necessary amount of solder will be sucked up into the joint by itself and doesn’t need to be pushed by the torch. Let the solder find its own way into the joint!!! Wait until the solder has hardened and cooled a bit and then take a damp cloth and wipe down the entire joint to clean all of the flux off after soldering. If you don’t clean the joint it will turn green after a couple of months and start the corrosion process. The green spots you were shown on that pipe were probably splashes of excess acid flux from whoever sweat those connections years ago. It is a good idea to make sure the copper pipes are cleaned of acid flux before the job is permanently covered up. A good clean copper pipe job will last indefinitely if cleaned properly with no corrosion!!!
Really interesting stuff here. Our house is 55 years old and we are looking to remodel our powder room. Luckily some of the plumbing is accessible from underneath in the garage but I wonder if some of the copper lines need replaced or if I just need to replace the shut off valves? That pex stuff seems too easy!