The hospital and parking lot will be located on a 2.5-acre site at 1751 W. Layton Ave., while Nutex has created two other development sites with the same name. Developer and contractor Nabil Salous is constructing the Layton Lofts apartment building behind a 10,000-square-foot building at 800 W. Layton Ave. The restaurant will officially open on Monday, Aug. 28, with the kitchen closing at 11 p.m., while the bar will remain open later.
A portion of Perkins Homes in Southeast Baltimore has been demolished, now known as the $30 million “Perkins” residential district. The Perkins-Somerset-Oldtown Transformation plan aims to replace all 629 public housing units at Perkins with new rental housing reserved for former residents. The demolition of six buildings in East Baltimore began today.
The former Perkins restaurant on Layton Avenue was chosen to be remodeled for a new pizza concept. Wisconsin Ave. in Milwaukee is undergoing renovations to add a Starbucks Coffee counter and a patisserie serving in-house pastries and desserts. Perkins Restaurant and Bakery announced a remodeling initiative that will be seeded in more than 20 corporate locations during the first half of 2013. Layton Hall Elementary School in Milwaukee is also under renovation.
📹 Why is it Not Patented? Wrap an LED Bulb with Electrical Tape and you’ll be Amazed
Why is it Not Patented? Wrap an LED Bulb with Electrical Tape and you’ll be Amazed In this video, I will show you a simple and …
📹 Just Mix Gasoline with Soap and you’ll get Unbeatable results
What happens if you mix plain gasoline and soap? In this video, I’ll show you the amazing result of this experiment Thanks for …
You have got to be kidding me. You could have fixed it properly and soldered a new led in. You could have jury rigged it and just soldered in a jumper wire. Oh no you surpassed my lowest expectations used aluminum foil, tape and super glue. Good god this is almost as bad as the cigarette lighter plug that almost killed me because some meathead decided that running two phases of a three phase 277/480 volt ac power through was a good idea.
I don’t think some of the posters watched the article. They are scolding the article maker telling us that it will ruin the car’s fuel system. Did anyone see him put it in a fuel tank of any kind? After reading these comments I had to rewatch the article. Just asking because I tend to miss things sometimes. Also I am pretty sure that anyone that has had at least a Readers Digest version of internal combustion fuel systems and gasoline or even 2 brain cells to rub together would never consider putting soap in their fuel tank!
You can also start a fire in the fireplace or barbecue with paper. People send me paper. Reams and reams of it, for free. Every day, another six or eight offers to buy my house, fix my yard up, paint my house, fix my car, fix my teeth, sell me stuff at the store, hook me up with wifi, sell me siding, feed me at restaurants. Once I even got a letter. It was from the JW’s offering to discuss things.
In the 60’s, my dad ran over a chunk of metal which bounced under his company car and punched a hole in the gas tank. He took out a little soap in his shaving kit and rubbed it into the hole which stopped the leak. He forgot about disclosing the damage years later when he turned it back in. Never leaked a drop the entire time after he plugged it up.
For fire starters… melt a jars worth of Vaseline in a sauce pan…. Then cram the empty jar full of cotton balls….. then pour the melted Vaseline back into the container…. Then use a small stick to pull out a cotton ball.. light it and you can make a lot of fires…. Put the lid back on and wait till next time
i remember them old metal gas cans from my military days. Some of the ones we got from this one supplier ya had to bang & pry on them flip tops and mostly they broke off. We had this older supply Sgt Kurt Renwual and he would acquire the broken ones legally put in a slip for em and he would get these big expandable rubber stoppers from where his wife worked. The fact is I still have 2-3 of em in the garage. Them rubber stoppers are still just fine too. I think if internet had been around back then like is now one of us woulda ended on the rich mans list selling them rubber stoppers and broken gas cans
One summer when I was about 10 years of age and reading in hot rod magazine about water injection I got the idea to slowly add water to peoples gas tanks, thinking that if you did it slowly all that slashing around would mix it, and the cumulative affect nationwide to everybody adding 5 gallons of water per month would be significant if everyone did it but first I had to prove that it worked in my grandfather‘s Volkswagen in my father‘s Dodge van, my mother‘s Volvo, the neighbors fiat. so this went on for several months and I asked my dad how many miles we had on this tank so far, 200 he said . I said how much gas do we have? He said a half a tank. Just in the engine quit. That week thong ring I picked it up with my grandfather not in Indiana, I said hi grandpa how are you doing? He said well Volkswagen quit running out in the middle of nowhere and I wound up walking 12 miles and when the mechanic got done with it. He said that all was wrong with it was it had a half a tank of water but you wouldn’t know anything about that. Would you little son of a bitch ? I said no I was pretty bummed out about my experiment failing, and everybody being mad at me and OPEC still controlled the world.
Try this much less explosive. 3 to 4 sheets of papertowels scrunch up into a ball and make a quartersize crevis into it with fingers. Pour a tablespoon or two of household cooking oil . Pkace undercharcoal wood etc lite it and it will continue to burn long enough to get things started. Those silvercan things chimney/ barbecue starters at hone depot work miracles to but got expensive but this crap my gosh its explosive
Dziękuję Ci chłopie! Do rozpalania pieca na węgiel kamienny używałem mieszaniny: diesel+przepraciwany olej+10% benzyna, tą mieszaniną nasycałem trociny drewniane. Nabierałem trochę takich trocin nasyconych mieszanką na metalową szufelkę, podpalałem zapalniczką (do tego służyła benzyna w składzie mieszanki, miała zapewbić łatwopalność) i sypałem na drbne drewno ułożone w piecu. Następnie wrzucałem 3 – 4 kawałki brązowego węgla wyschniętego przez lato. Na to z wierzchu drobniejszy węgiel czarny, jakieś 5 litrów objętości. Potem czekałem 5 minut na rozpalenie pieca i zamykałem drzwiczki. Teraz dodam trochę mydła i mniej trocin. Do rozpuszczenia mydła użyję paliwa diesla bo można go bezpiecznie podgrzać do 60°C i rozpuścić mydło. Po ostygnięciu dodam inne składniki. Zużycie rozpałki będzie mniejsze. Dzięki! Najtrudniej wpaść na najprostsze rozwiązanie, zawsze to mówię:)) Zawsze!
Styrofoam will dissolve more readily into the gas. If you let it sit for ten minutes, you don’t even need to stir the mixture, and the resulting substance will burn hotter. I’ll warn you though, if you spill it on your clothes after igniting, you’re done, unless you have a pool, or a hose next to you.
That’s a lot of work just to start a freaking fire.. I agree and I’m much dumber after seeing this article. Anyway, I’ll have to remember that next time I want to start a fire I got to make sure I have a bar of soap and light all right. It’s in my bucket list. Actually you know what I think I’m going to start sharing some articles that take so much time. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll see. I did pretty good for a while. It was basically just see ing something that everyone knows. Who knows me. Really know I’m trolling something about the Earth. That didn’t know me. You were saying it going. The thing is cuz I feel bad for him and how are we going to convince everybody? The Earth is flat Anyway, I really did feel bad for the dude. There was a couple of that really wanted Vince all all all these people saying hey look how I overcome these other people with the round earth theory. Help me. How do I do it? Let’s do this together. I digress. Poor guy just like people are still Democrats and if I can get over by Trump terrains and send them so can you
Why not take that mixture and put it on top of your homade pizza because it looks like white cheese and then instead of using your oven and using up all that expensive electricity just light it up with a match and then blow out the flame when it is fully cooked ! You could use high test so it will cook even faster !
Actually, this is a Very, Very basic recipe and technically not even close to napalm. Although it does act somewhat similar to napalm.If you want to save yourself a few steps and save some time though. Instead of using a bar of soap, use about 2 tablespoons of dish soap (such as dawn) Once you added the soap just stir it until it gets to a sticky gel and wa-la you got yourself a good fire starter. Although, if you add a little pine tar, it will burn a little hotter and will last just a little longer. Now for making true homemade napalm there are more ingredients that need to be added in the right proportions. Which is actually pretty easily gotten from home or local store. But I think I best not reveal the ingredients, and amounts for safety’s sake for those of you thinking about trying to burn your eyelashes off in an attempt to make it..
Get gasoline and put it in a very large pan then heat it up very slowly on a low heat and then grate 2 bars of soap in to the gasoline and dissolve it then add Styrofoam to the mixture and stair it all together and do not touch the mixture and basically that’s napalm and it works great and I’ve made some before in the past and it was very good stuff I red how to make it years ago.