The Interior Lighting Overhaul is a scripted solution for the lackluster lighting in Gamebryo Fallouts. It is fully configurable, highly compatible, and can be installed using a mod manager like Nexus Mod. The installation process involves downloading the mod files to your device and installing a mod manager like Nexus Mod.
The mod has mod support for NV Interiors Project Combo Ed, which can make changes to Image Spaces and Lighting Templates to give interiors a more dynamic and atmospheric look. A modded Fallout: New Vegas is like a tower starting from the base, and any in-depth tutorial video that explains how to provide natural and bright interior lighting is appreciated.
It is important to load the.esp near the end of your load order, after anything that adds items to vanilla cells. If the issue persists at many other places, try using a lighting replacer mod like URWL, Nevada Skies, or Fellout New Vegas. If the issue persists, try using a weather mod like Altitude or URWL, Nevada Skies, or Fellout New Vegas.
In summary, the Interior Lighting Overhaul is a scripted solution for improving the lighting in Fallout: New Vegas. It is fully configurable, highly compatible, and can be installed using a mod manager like Nexus Mod. However, it is essential to note that the guide does not mention the mod support for NV Interiors Project Combo Ed.
📹 Fallout New Vegas Guide: Fixing the Lighting with New Vegas Reloaded
Now you can make New Vegas run worse than Fallout 4 does! Here are links to all the mods featured in this video: ENB (not …
I’ve put hours into getting NVR to work and look good, all I’ve learned is that ENB is better. ENB is simple to install and requires nothing further. NVR looks terrible for me with massive color contrast. It’s also still the vanilla lighting, which looks awful, it doesn’t have the lighting injection of ENB. Everything looks flat, boring, and high contrast with NVR on top of being unstable and an FPS killer. Shadows and underwater godrays do not make modern graphics.
I am currently modding FNV for my first playthrough ever. I used Viva New Vegas + Salamand3r´s Texture Guide and added a lot more stuff on my own (mostly animations because they are supposed to be save to insert and extract mid playthrough.) but now I tried NVR and I am somewhat disappointed with it. Sure they add shadows, but they flicker horribly and have a weird draw distance with shadows lights seemingly popping in and out the closer you get, both in interiors and exteriors. The tonemapping for HDR is worse than my preset via Reshade and the depth fog has ugly seams everywhere. Only the ambient occlusion and the underwater effects are nice imo but the AO costs way too much performance (like you said) and apparently activating NVR itself is taxing in itself, even though it does nothing with everything disabled. I have 138 FPS with all the mods enabled and it pulls 250W out of my 3080 12 GB. With enabling NVR and all disabled effects (so without any benefits) it straight up pulls 350 W (the max of my GPU). Also the rain effects are weird…they look nice in itself, but it makes everything look like you are walking through a lake. But the performance issue with nothing enabled kills it off for me. I thought about using it only for the flashlight and maybe the underwater effects, but why let it pull 100W more just to have these effects with no other benefits. I hope they can get more out of this with time. I hope they can get the draw distance stuff and the flicker of shadows out of the way, too.
Just when I’m setting up another modded NV you upload this lmao. I’ve resorted to NVR + Reshade, I turned off AO and all the coloring effects from NVR and I have been using Reshade with IMMERSE MXAO (much better optimized with no fps loss) and IMMERSE Antialiasing(you need to turn off MSAA in order to use the depth buffer)
0:28 Honestly, New Vegas’s 3D assets are pretty bad even for its time. Obsidian had very good writers, but their 3D artists weren’t great and they didn’t have much time to cobble the game together. Fallout 3 is just as technologically primitive, and has its own permanent colour filter, but it looks a lot more visually interesting and coherent because the art design is just better.
Hey guys, sorry for the dumb question but what exactly is NVR? Is it a mod I install in MO2? Or is it a completely different game on its own? I just installed 30+ mods on my regular NV and I dont wanna start all over if i have to re-download the entire game. I realize in the article he said just install it to MO2 but I just wanna make sure. Is it compatible with other mods? What makes this mod so different?
I’ve got an RTX 4080 with an i7 13700kf and NVR tanks my performance to where the game is practically unplayable. I have no idea how you’re getting close to 70-80 frames, I can’t get NVR to break 60 even with every single mod in my mod list disabled besides the VNV bug fixes and patches. I’m playing in 4k so maybe that is what the issue is? But regardless I can run my mod list with 240+ mods at 140fps but the second I turn on reloaded it destroys my frame rate. I’ve swapped over to DXVK, I’ve used the exact same settings you used in the article and even disabled more settings and still don’t get anywhere close to what you’re getting. The support for NVR is also pretty trash, I’ve posted to the discord and didn’t even get acknowledged in regards to the performance issues. I have no idea how this mod gets so much praise, unless people are just content with dogshit performance. On my pc I would hope that I’d be able to play new Vegas of all things at a better fps than 55. If you have any advice or tips I’d love to hear it, NVR looks great but isn’t worth the trade off at the moment
well, at least you’re not a “blackout” proponent (people who jack the contrast so high that inside and at night, it’s literally pitch black out). what gets ME, though, is where do you people FIND copies of the game without having to hit a paysite? oh, and consider yourselves lucky, some of us are still on bone stock hardware
Hey man, thanks for your vids. I’m going through FNVEdit and from what I can understand is that NPC can level with the player to level 50. So would it be okay if major(or minor) factions have the flag “PC Mult” and” No low level processing” add to their profiles, like Legion, brotherhood, NCR, etc. Will it affect performance? appreciate any feedback from anyone. Thanks for the guides Pancuronium!
It definitely improves the atmosphere and gives it a more realistic look, but at the same time I would urge caution to not go too far and add too much lighting to then go away from the original are style. For instance I feel like at 0:27 I feel like that much light in the cave is great for realism and shows off how it would really look, but it would take away from the art style because it as specifically made to be that “Dim” to the show the environment in said dimness. I might be looking too much into this and commenting shit, but either way it’s a great mod and the nuka-colq and energy weapons look amazing!