Monk mode is a lifestyle approach that encourages individuals to “cut the fat” from their lives to become more productive, understand themselves, and achieve their goals. This is achieved through contemplation, self-awareness, and the sacrifice of certain aspects of modern-day life. The Modern Health Monk movement aims to help individuals reach their full potential in every aspect of their life.
To create a monk mode routine, one must define what they want or expect to achieve, such as improving mindfulness or achieving specific projects or goals. Monk mode has gained popularity due to its ability to help individuals achieve their goals through deep inner game work and a combination of deep, inner game work.
Creating a robust routine involves defining what you want to achieve, such as improving mindfulness or balancing focused work with essential breaks. Monk mode has become popular due to its ability to help individuals achieve a balanced lifestyle.
To find motivation to exercise, one can use psychology by doing the nightly Ben Franklin review and emphasizing health habits set for themselves. Visual to-do lists can also be helpful in setting goals and creating a visual to-do list.
Monk mode can be achieved by having a huge vision for the life they want, setting daily goals, practicing daily rituals, and having a burning hunger to succeed. A complete guide to planning out an ideal vision of the year, setting goals, establishing daily habits, and doing what to do every day to succeed is available on Shortform.
📹 How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)
/// R E S O U R C E S /// B O O K S Get my book on success habits “MASTER THE DAY” ➔ Get my book on …
📹 How to Design Your Life In Your 20s
Find your life purpose with this free worksheet ➔ /// R E S O U R C E S/// B O O K S …
I am 20 years old and turning 21 next week. All my life I have been told all these amazing things about myself. How smart I am and how much potential I have. What I wish is that I believed in myself as much as other people did because I have been selling myself short and not going as hard as I can. In the next 5 years my number one goal is to have unshakable confidence and to explore my potential fully without fear and doubt.
I’m 15 years old, and I want to achieve my goals as a young age to help my mom because she is a single parent:(( edit: thank you all for all the motivations and for updates, we are now doing great❤❤ I’m already helping her financially, sometimes I also treat her on fancy restaurants that we have never been!
I think this is one of the best advices ever . A few years back I got into some simple habits, achieved results and then I got super confident and started to think a lot about what things I need to do. Started reading books and getting a lot of ideas, but then I started overthinking and eventually I started getting frustrated and it became tougher to maintain the earlier habits as well. It was one of the most stressful times. So, I thought okay overthinking is bad and started questioning the methods promoting thinking big. Now I understand that it’s a balance, you have to think a little bit to have a vision and quickly identify skills and habits to achieve them. No thinking and doing the same things can make you stagnant and thinking too much without actions will not get you the results you want. It’s a beautiful balance that’s needed.
For me, the most important thing is to reverse engineer your goals. From the biggest goal to what has to happen to get there. Micro tasks and daily habits that align with each goal are also important as well as giving things a date and constant reviewing are essential. As time flies when you aren’t looking. Great article. I had my life planned and everything was going fantastically until Covid blew my life up and now I have to start from scratch to rebuild. It was difficult but now I see it as a great opportunity.
Im 18,last two years were full of depression, anxeity, overthinking, stress, suicidal thoughts and all that kinda sh*t. Now i just want to invest more time in personality development and mental health to get hold of my life. Personally I think the biggest problem that we all have in common is that most of are mentally weak and this covid worsened the situation. So first thing we gotta focus is our mindset and mental health.
Summary: You cannot unconsciously achieve your goals. You have to actively design your life with your goals in mind. You can script your life towards where you wanna go. Example: Coaches have a plan for their team and their games, Buildings need a blueprint design for them to be constructed. Part 1: Vision or Game Plan How to do it? Through journaling Journal about the kind of life you envision for yourself Make a note of “what are the coolest things that I could have 5 years from today” Consciously and actively think about it and put it down on paper or somewhere. The important thing in this step is to figure out ‘where’ do you wanna go with your life, and in what direction? You don’t have to entirely know how to get there immediately. Part 2: How to get there: Through building habits. Break down your goals into habits. a that you can do every day. For example: If your larger goal is to lose 30 pounds, instead of focusing on those 30 pounds, make eating homecooked food and exercising for 20 minutes a day your habit. Part 3: Follow through with your plan. Review your progress. Tweak your goals and habits based on how you are progressing.
I made some kind of a summary for the article, but it’s pretty long. It has the 3 parts, plus a little appendix at the bottom with all the documents mentioned. 1. The Design, Vision: what is the coolest thing that could happen this year? a. the purpose here is to have a concrete goal on what you want to achieve, and aim for that with purpose, instead of wandering around aimlessly Methods: a. REVIEW Yearly Envisioning Document twice a day b. pocket journal : what you want, where to steer your life, random fleeting revelations c. Five Years From Today document d. regularly think about/write down what you want to build/create/achieve (anywhere or in pocket journal, then migrate to yearly/five yearly document?) 2. Daily Habits Every goal needs to have an associated process goal, aka about that is designed to approach the goal – break down goals into habits, OP uses 3 goals a year, 3 habits a goal, a certain amount of time each habit (try not to make habits goal oriented, make them time oriented) Methods: a. yearly envisioning document: read it every day, twice a day. 3. Follow Through – to make sure you follow through with your habits, have a master the day journal page: (did you follow all habits? what can you improve on?) – follow intuitions on if you want to pivot Methods: a. thursday mastermind: are you happy? Are you building the life you want? b. weekly strategy journal page c. daily habit tracking d. pocket moleskin journal: probably put master the day journal page in here too, or separate journal.
Part 1: Vision : Consciously design your life, what would be the coolest thing that could happen over the next 5 years? Carry a pocket journal for ideas. Part 2:The Daily Habits : Break down goals to daily habits, forget the goal. Part 3: Follow Through : Master the day journal page, Accountability mastermind
TIP: Write down the fun (and/or relaxing) things you’re doing each day right next to your to TDL (to do list). For example: 1. Yoga 2. Sauna 3. Reading 4. Writing 5. Jiu Jitsu. Thus, your TDL doesn’t seem like just an obnoxious list of things you have to do. It includes all the fun things you’re doing and looking forward to. I love reading, writing, and studying and so reminding myself that I love them and that they’re something I get to do rather than HAVE TO DO, makes all the difference in the world! Good luck! Let me know if this works for you 🙂
Here are the Complete Summary and TODOs for you guys 1) Five Years from today Write whatever you want to have in the next 5 years. Suggested topics are ->Health ->Career ->Finances ->Relationships Keep updating them as you like. Remember, you can use a pocket Journal to write down all the ideas and later move them to the original list. 2) Year plan: 2.1) Goals x Habits ->Write 3 goals per year – ->Write 3 habits per goal – ->Write actions/habits you will do daily to achieve those goals. 2.2)Quater Projects ->Divide the Year into quarters – -> Write what you can do in one of that quarter to achieve that specific goal. 2.3)Hour a day Mastery ->What information should I focus on to achieve my goal? 3)Weekly (On Sunday maybe) 3.1)Strategy Page: This is a very tactical goal-setting exercise to help you figure out what barriers are standing in your way to reaching your goal. ->Write Barriers you’re facing to achieving that one goal? – ->For each barrier, write one logical idea to solve it. -> For one goal, write the intuitive idea to solve it? 4) Daily. -> Use each daily habit you derived for each goal and plan your day around it. -> Can use a daily journal to log your day and how to improve it the next day. Use this log when creating the weekly report. LASTLY: KEEP A POCKET JOURNAL AND KEEP LOGGING THE NEW IDEAS ABOUT YOUR LIFE IN THE NEXT 5 YEARS + ANY CREATIVE IDEAS.
I’m 23 years old and currently in a weird stage of my life. I feel anxious and depressed most days but I still have hope that one day, Ill be able to look back at this time period and be grateful that I went though it because its making me grow as a person. My goals consist of: -Saying my affirmations twice a day. -Making self care a priority. -Meeting more like-minded people. -Eating better and doing physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. -Staying off social media for good. (I tend to compare myself to others when i’m in this weird mindset, I dont want to be like that anymore. Also, I want to figure out who my real friends are) -Build a closer relationship with God. -Just be more positive. I really hope I look back at this comment a year from now and be proud that I’ve overcome my current challenge. I hope light is near.
I’m 17. One of the first things I want to do to change my life is to drink more water and eat a little healthier. To me, doing this before/while changing my mindset is super important. I can’t change my mindset if my body isn’t properly fueled. If I’m not eating right or I’m dehydrated, I just can’t have my mind straight. Then I can work on my body and image because that’s not the most important thing to me.
WOW, I have watched so many articles on how to start journaling. I keep on pivoting (Procrasting) and I was looking for recommendations, an outline: 1) Vision, 2) Daily Habits, and 3) Follow Through (Accountably). I look forward to executing this journal for 2023. The teacher appears when the student is ready. Thank you!
Everything happens for a reason! Last night I said to myself “I’m 50 years old. my life is stagnant. I’m gong to reinvent my life!” I put a little thought into how to go about doing it and figured waking early, trying my hand at yoga, and putting pen to paper to is a start. Well, it’s early (for me), learned I need A LOT of yoga practice, and for some reason decided to check my “watch later” articles here. Apparently 3 years and 7 months ago I saved this one. And only this one. Serendipity. Anyway, this was the first comment I saw and scrolled through the replies. So many encouraging words, book recommendations, and tips! I wish all of you much success in reinventing your perfect life! High fives all around, now I’m off to start my new life!!!!
Im a homeschooling mom and I began to journal plan our homeschool a year ago. Habit is not a huge problem because it surrounds an activity i love which is homeschool but includes personal things I don’t just write down what we plan to do. I write down how the week went, or why i changed something, what id like to do or things that could be done relate to what we did. I write goals for homeschooling, if we skip a day I write something. “Texas Freeze” or “national emergency due to Harvey” or ” too excited for sleepover this weekend, only accomplished x” its fun to look back on them. Make it your own. Do it how it works for you.
hey guys if you ever find yourself not doing something you have to do, one of the most basic things i recommend is a mindset shift instead of saying i “have” to…tell your self i “get” to because what you tell yourself can really have a huge impact and it’s one of the easiest ways to get into gratitude // i can list so many more things but i don’t want to write a whole 10 page essay here it’d be too much haha but anyways we’re all learning in this self improvement space so please let me know some of your advice 😀
Hello before I give my answer, I wnt to say thanks for sharing this article. I am 31 years old, and I can say I am journaling and trying to design and take hold of my life, has I had a few bumps and lumps on my way that I am not proud of. Started a realtionship 3 years ago, and I am slowly getting a better carrer and balancing my ambitions with the effort I give to my desires, has one, sometimes, can turn around to our ambitions and goals because of destractions, or ilusions.
Well, well! I think I’m at the perfect time! I’m 17, so I’m just 3 years from University, and if I’ll organize my life, I can make a solid base for life. Thanks for the article! I learnt a lot, and I’ll try to apply these things, as summer is coming, and I’ll have a loads of time to do whatever I want!
This is EXACTLY what I needed. I am in my late 20’s and work up realizing that I had not created the life I wanted to live. I had a high paying job and met my goal of being financial independent, BUT I was absolutely miserable and didn’t feel challenged at all. I’ve decided to go back to school, get organized, pursue my creative passions, and script my life!!! Thank you SO much for this!
Love your articles because you have very helpful content that is well-structured. Your example about attending 3 events to meet likeminded people and dating prospects is great, as it makes it an actionable plan rather than vague ‘I need to meet more new people if I want a relationship’. So much easier to follow through when the goal it’s specific ! Thank you for that!
I think it’s fundamentally NOT about being successful but, rather, about being resilient. Many of these self-help advises assume a rather lineair path towards success that you can somehow “design” – whereas life is way more complicated than that. I think the fundamental thing to learn is how to work with the cards on the table… For example, you can say: “I’ll be married in 5 years.” But what if you don’t meet your significant other? You just go for anyone so you can say that you managed to get married within 5 years? And what if you say: “one year from now I want to go on vacation 3-4 times a year”, but you get seriously ill, or hardship happens to a loved-one. What do you do? Does that throw you into an existential crisis that you cannot come out of? When life presents itself to us like that, it’s not because you “did not design your life well enough”… Life is about being resilient, and foregiving (also to yourself), generous, loving…and yes within that context it is very important to be able to envision and dream beautiful dreams and work towards manifestation.
Part 1: journaling 1. A journal to write down what kind of life you wanna have 2. A pocket journal for ideas 3. A weekly journal page 4. A little notebook “5years from today” Part 2: Habits Break down your goals into habits and forget about the goals. Working on maximum 3 goals/year. 3 daily habits/goal Part 3: Follow through Review regularly (by journaling shortly everyday)
I always wanted to do a list that I must follow and achieve my goals. My main goal is to walk. I got paralyzed when I was 7 years old and doctors gave me many hopes that I can walk again in the future if I work hard. But sometimes is not easy at all to work hard as people say. I’m today 24 year old, I finished University and all but I can’t walk because I can’t fight. I feel not in a mood to fight and I hate this. I always tend to write down my goal and say that by the end of this year I must have done something but I don’t achieve it. WHAT CAN I DO?? I have the possibility to walk again normally I just can’t get myself together and work hard, it’s to tiring to convince yourself, especially for something as important as your health!
This is one of the websites that gave me the courage to start my YouTube website 2 months ago about self development and now have 76 subs and almost 55 hour watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so much lessons that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place
I agree that the first thing is to have a vision. Not everyone knows what they want and that’s okay but I feel you should be searching for this. For me personally, I need to work on my follow through. I have a vision and I can plan. It’s just a matter of developing the habits needed to achieve these goals and the follow through so that these habits are sustained over time.
00:33 🎯 Designing your life involves three key parts: vision, daily habits, and follow-through. These elements work together to help you achieve your goals and create the life you want. 02:09 📝 Start by creating a vision for your life by writing down what you want to achieve over the next five years. This process helps you consciously set goals and directions for your future. 06:05 📆 Break down your goals into daily habits that align with your vision. For example, if you want to write a book, make a habit of writing 500 words a day. This makes your goals more achievable and actionable. 09:48 🔄 Regularly review your progress, track your habits, and participate in mastermind sessions with like-minded individuals. This accountability and reflection process keeps you on track and ensures you’re pursuing the right goals. 10:26 🧘♂ Trust your intuition and keep a journal to capture and explore intuitive hunches. This can help you pivot and make course corrections when necessary in your life journey.
I’ve started writing down on some actions that I should do tomorrow. It helps me a lot ‘cos when you wake up and know what you should do it doesn’t take any time for worries. You have straight plan that you just make step by step. Also I’ve tried using notion it looks very good and interesting but I feel like it’s very important for me to write the plan and to do lost, not to type. Thank you for the article here’re a lot of things to think about. That’s important.
Great points about journaling. I do believe that and daily habits that support goals are huge. As someone in my 40’s, I’d caution on goals that involve others, such as “get married by 35”. Unfortunately with that as the goal, it can create desperation and blindness to toxic traits. If the goal is to be a good partner (and defining what that is for you) and changing the goal to what type of person you want to marry… you’re less likely to end up married miserably at 35. It’s far better to be alone, then to have reached a goal only to be lonely and miserable in it, because your target was off, Life has a way of teaching us these things.
**0-1:13 Intro *****1:26-1:45 3 parts of designing your life ***146-2:25 part 1 the Vision **2:30-2:55 First method Journaling ****2:55- The review exercise ****3:40 pocket journal ****4:15 Weekly journal page 4:45 Evernote journal notebook *****5:45 Part 2 Daily habits 6:00 Explanation & Breakdown 8:05-Tracking progress 8:30 The follow through
Omw I found this article. When I watched it a couple of months ago, I wrote on a random piece of paper all the things that would be wild to happen, the rest of 2019. One of them the(something super impossible) literally fell into my lap recently and I followed through on the opportunity. Then, the other day I saw the list and I was so shook. Writing stuff down really does work!
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 Designing your life involves three key elements: vision, habits, and follow-through. 01:55 Create a vision by regularly updating a journal with the life you want to build, breaking down goals into yearly, daily, and weekly plans. 05:50 Translate goals into daily habits; track them using a weekly scorecard and report progress in a regular mastermind session. 08:39 Follow-through is crucial for success; maintain a daily journal page, conduct weekly reflections, and track habits. Additionally, pay attention to intuitive impressions for potential pivots in your life.
Im freaking 28, will be 29 this year and im just constantly trying to find my purpose in life and to do something that can benefit me so I can enjoy my life. I feel like im in a rut that ive been trying to get out for YEARS. I do feel like im running out of time since im approaching 30, but I dont want to give up you know. Thank you.
This is a well detailed and informed article. I’m here to learn how to invest after listening to a guy over the air talk about the importance of investing and how he made $410,000 in 5months from $180,000 startup. Somehow this article has helped shed light on some things, but I’m still confused, I’m a newbie and I’m open to ideas
Alex, Some great points here. I am a mens high-performance coach. Your points are all dead on, however, this seemed like it was a little scattered. You did get your message across, but as far as tactical takeaways, the notes I was taking were a little scattered. Also, I would suggest a CTA. “Visit this for a more in-depth look into this process”, etc. You did mention your book, but that was it. Again, pleased with this, it just felt like it lacked a little flow. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for this article! I’ve been trying to reinvent my life this year, it’s been a weird year but it has also allowed me to focus on the things I need to and dig deep and get my mindset in order! I’m working on getting up earlier, working out and meditating. Journaling at least once a week and checking on myself throughout each day to see how I am doing! I’m 30, I haven’t done much in my life but I know it’s never too late to start where you are and use what you can!!
It´s been a while since I´ve been feeling really lost. To find what´s missing or wrong, I believe is the hardest part. I was led to believe it was the marriage, or the stress of having four kids and very little money for everything the family needs, or even the lack of travelling due to the lack of money. I have been on a journey of trying to discover what it is that bothers me that much and takes away my joy. Many books, many talks and many walks taken in an attempt to find answers… to feel fulfilled. I am taking the first step, go back to exercising (and trying to put the family to do it as well, I used to be very active). The second step is to keep everything clean and organized (really, four kids…). Sorry for the long text… The will is broken for quite a while now, just needed to get out of my chest… I am hoping for the best, I´ve always been a hopeful “glass half full” kinda guy… It´s just that these last four years have been a really rocky downhill. Thank you for the article!
New sub! Thank you for this very helpful tips! I’m feeling overwhelmed actually – it’s already January and I haven’t written anything down to place in my new life system. I have undergone big life changes after achieving old goals. Time for new goals, and a new life system. Now your tips helped me a lot. Thanks so much! ♥️♥️♥️
I’m glad I bumped into this vid. I’m 29. Specially, 2 years ago I started questioning the purpose of my life. I had no specific goals in life regarding financial status. Lately, I’ve started to reflect and modify my life. I’ve developed some healthy habits, but still lacking somehow. One is using too much YouTube consuming stuffs I don’t really need. So, I’ll have to rectify this. I’ll design my design my life now and hopefully your ways will help me achieve my goals as well.
→ Design \t• The vision (What would be the coolest things that could happened over the next five years of my life?) \tWhat is the coolest thing that could happen this year? \t• A pocket journal for ideas: Ideas that I got from podcast, book or people, \t• Weekly journal page (where are you now, where you want to be, what are the barriers?) \t• Digital book: five years from now, what should you do \t \t→ The habits daily habits \tfor example if you want to be a chef, start cooking and trying the new recipe daily \t \tHow to measure: you can have master mind every Thursday for reflection. \tAre you happy? Is this what you want to be? Being crystal clear \t \tMaximum three goals per year, three habits per goal \t→ The follow through \t· Every night make journal, I want to do this, where I should improve myself, \t· Thursday mastermind.. 45 minute call with random people or people you know in professional or personal level \t· Weekly strategy journal page \t· daily habit tracking Bring the little pocket.. to bring everywhere.. And write down for any intuitive thoughts
Im 14. I know i wanna be an author and i want to move to either Noway or Finland. I dont know how yet, and i obviously need to wait till ive the age to work and be able to move but i know that: First I need to practice my writing and ceeative skills, two, when im old enough, i need to start saving up to move, three, i need to learn the language (which i can do on duolingo or such) Four, do a bunch of reaearch of the countries and/or how to publish a book. I wanna be able to achieve this by the time im 25 or 30 but i dont know if thats realistic
I’m turning 17 soon and I don’t want to suck that much as a person anymore. I am/was constantly scared of the future, of graduating and ruining my life because relatively soon I’ll have to become independent and that scares me. My first goal for the next five years is to become consious about where I am and of whats going on, so that i can start taking control of my life.
This is incredibly helpful and practical. Thank you for organizing the information so well. I want to be in a healthy fun-filled relationship so I’ve developed some goals and daily habits for myself. The coolest thing that could happen to me this year is to fall in love with a loving man. Here ‘s what has NOT worked: 1. Having negative beliefs about dating & relationships 2. Not expressing my needs and holding on to men who won’t meet them 3. Not putting myself out there This is how I’m changing: 1. Not taking rejection personally and having a light-hearted attitude about meeting new people 2. Being upfront about needs and wants, and not moving forward with men who judge me for them 3. Healing my inner child and letting her shine Needless to say, I have been attracting higher quality men. I can’t wait to refine my habits further and am more excited than ever about my future.
I have a goal When I grow older I wanna go to the top of a cliff like in the music article of Kanye west-closed on Sunday and pray all five times and spend my day there and read my Quran in the rest of the time and at night I will stay in my car but at Maghreb and Issa I will get out and read that is my enitial goal in life
You’re a genuinely nice guy, I do love your articles, and I can see that you speak with such passion. You’re also very humble and I love that. Please keep on staying humble – I hope you reach your goals and targets, and I hope I reach mine too. I’m in a bit of a funk right now and am perusal your articles for inspiration. X
12 sep is my birthday. And I took a vow that I will work and recover what I have lost and have sources of income being an epileptic patient. I have literally wasted my 20 years (because of fear of failure which I have always been getting in all my attempts job or anything else) which will never come back. I am a self taught article editor, colorist, graphic designer and photography has been my passion since childhood.
I’m 20 getting ready to go to college and get married however I feel like I have a lot of deadlines coming up and I’m afraid I might not make them, all things set aside I’ve never been much of a planner and I feel it’s set me back a bit in life, I’m thankful I found this article and I know I can use it to make my goals come to fruition.
Hey Alex! I’ve been following your stuff for a while, awesome content! I’m currently very consciously trying to design my life, and for me, my #1 priority is to get the job I want, since that takes up 40h of every week. I do have daily habits to get closer to achieving that. After that, I’ll start working on other goals as part of my overall vision. For me, it’s important to focus on my current main goal, but as you say, also keep in mind the overall big picture of where I want to go. For tracking I just use a google drive’s spreadsheet, writing down the daily tasks each day and marking them as complete when I do them, and I make a new spreadsheet each month.
Answering your question – in consciously scripting my life, the first thing I think is important is to begin clearing out all the excess clutter and possessions I have so I can eventually have the much more clutter-free and organized home I desire, which will facilitate more ease and Grace in my life. So the habits I’m going to establish to achieve this are: 1) a weekly de-clutter day (regularly sort through and get rid of stuff), 2) being more consistent with daily and weekly cleaning tasks, and 3) maintaining a mind map around this subject.
I’ve watched this article few times over the past few years and every time I revisit it, there have been great changes in my life (and lots of challenges as well!). And there are still things I learn listening to this today. Finally hit “subscribe” as I was not in habit of subscribing to great content last time I watched your article 😁😁 Thank you!
This is profound. Thanks for sharing this. It comes at the right time for me as I am also trying to develop a process/framework for myself and others, on these things. I think the most important parts of goal-setting for your life are 1. having that big picture (purpose and vision), and 2. converting them into daily habits. 3 would be the 5-year or 2-year ambitious goals. My favourite part of this is the life report part. I will incorporate giving a report of my progress on habits, into my journal, as well as the weekly mastermind report. I recently set up both a mastermind group, as well as a group of mentees I will be guiding along these paths. Thanks for sharing.
At 6 minutes I also do those things. It works. It’s also very important to be mindful of daily distractions that get in the way of getting the goals. I started using this strategy when I were 15 years old when I wanted to go to the state cross country in school and I ran 6kms every day after school and made it to my goal. Then I wanted to travel to Europe so I had to work hard and not go out to bars with friends and make my own meals and go without to reach the goal. Then after that was to pay off my own apartment by 30 before having children. So I worked in my twenties didn’t go out, spent the minimum amount of money and kept focus and looked after my health and being organised is important too. Enough sleep, healthy food vitamins and water. Good time management and being aware of daily distractions.
This is complete. Thank you. The Weekly Strategy and Weekly score document is accountable and I have been using the weekly strategy for about 5 months now, I first got it from 7 habits of Highly Effective People (begin with the end in mind) and have been more efficient and disciplined with my schedule or what I need to do per week and get things done. The weekly score document, or could also be called habit tracker, I got from Atomic Habits and used it for a year, but then I stopped doing it just because I had the habits I wanted implemented in my daily life and I have no use for it now. But when I feel like integrating another habit into my life I use it. 3 Goals per year and 3 habits per goal, this is relatively new to me. I am actually going to start using this because I had so much goals per semester (currently in college and had like 7 to 8 goals which most I didn’t achieved) that I didn’t even really want that much to achieve. I do think designing my life needs some modifications and you have provided me what I needed. Thank you so much and thank God that youtube algorithms got your article recommended to me. I really needed this because of my procrastination or rather scattered focus is getting the best of me now… I don’t know if it’s burn out or just lazy but I will fix this.
Taking one step at a time and trying new things help build your confidence to achieve your goals. To attain financial independence, Start investing as it’s the only way to generate wealth. Really spent my 30s working for a company which was a waste of my youthful days. Lately discovered ¢rypto and life feels much more easier….
Wow, amazing I have been struggling my whole life with the cultivating and working the goals. I can “dream” all day long now 45 yrs old & I am ready to work the daily steps for my goals. I also realize now that absolutely NO goal is out of reach. What a freedom. So grateful for my life. I hope everyone is filled with joy and happiness. Bless and love all of you. Now off to work 🤗
I watched the article 2 times and will probably watch it a 3rd time, also took notes while perusal… And it’s the 1st time in my life doing so while perusal a article haha this one is soooo good 😀 thank you for all your advices, everything was so clear and well articulated! Grateful YouTube suggested it 🙂
I’m 14, turning 15 in one month, i’ve been struggling with depression for the past year but i’m in therapy now which has helped me a lot and i’ve decided that i want to start taking more action and start creating goals and accomplishing them, i’m ready to fall in love with life and see how far i can actually go
Believing in myself and my capabilities, that would be the most important thing. Sure at this moment I have cut everyone that was in my inner circle family and friends due to the toxicity they were bringing to my life but now I have a clean slate. I can build a support system of people who truly believe in me and Support me, it all starts with me.
I am 18 years old try to finding my self and I found this article hopefully I will achieve my goals 5 years from now and have a stable mental health, physically fit and financially stable. I am really depressed right now because it is to hard to experience this adulting stage but I will literally do my best to find and express my self to the world ^_^
If I could script my life, honestly, it would really benefit me. I would be able to review by past misgivings/mistakes. Also, I would be able to Plan out my day today activities that will lead to me achieving my long-term goals. Even if it doesn’t go according to script though, I’d at least be able to see where I went wrong compared to where I wanted to be at for that day and it would help me take each step one day at a time.
The main thing is actually try to DO things, and the more small easily achievable goals we actually DO then the more confidence we will build and also doing lots of small goals (that build towards the big goals we have) when things don’t work out then doing lots of small things will help counter any feeling of being beaten.. But it’s DOING stuff is the main thing. Without that NOTHING will happen.. There’s a website called “Potential Techniques” where you can see what the guy (me) finds helps get through tough times as the website is following my quest to rebuild life from broken to (hopefully) things working out good.. I’m trying different methods that people claim help, to see what works, and talking about what i find works (or not) there..
its interesting that people dont question their goals. like for instance marriage. why marriage? why be married? i gotta ask myself all these questions before i even really think about what im gonna do to get in a position to be married. but i guess thats the refinement and what makes a goal worthwhile.
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🌟 Importance of Designing Your Life – Alex shares a client’s insight on the importance of intentionally designing one’s life. – Many people realize later in life that they are not where they wanted to be. – The article aims to share Alex’s personal process for scripting and reinventing his life. 01:26 📝 Three-Part Process for Life Design – Life design involves three parts: designing, daily habits, and follow-through. – The importance of vision and conscious creation of life goals. – Regular journaling helps in updating and envisioning life goals. 03:18 ✍️ Yearly Envisioning and Habit Formation – Alex discusses his yearly envisioning process and the importance of writing down goals. – He emphasizes on breaking down goals into daily habits. – The use of a pocket journal for recording ideas and intuitive thoughts. 05:50 🔄 Tracking Habits and Mastermind Group – Alex explains his habit tracking method and the role of his mastermind group. – The significance of regular reviews and reflections on goals and habits. – Using a mastermind group for accountability and goal tracking. 07:13 🎯 Follow-Through and Intuition – The importance of follow-through and listening to intuition for life design. – Alex shares his methods for keeping track of his progress and intuitive insights. – Reflecting on whether one is on the right path in life. 09:19 🌱 Consciously Scripting Your Life – Summary of Alex’s process for consciously scripting life.
For people coming from Eastern cultures, having a vision might be the hardest one, as their families or cultural circles are defining a plan instead of them. As an example of 35 years old and trying to define my own vision, although I had achieved in decent positions in famous companies to make my family proud. But# it’s time to discover my own vision one day.
I’m 20 2nd year MBBS student I want to seek purpose There must be deeper meaning to life I have a lot of things I want to achieve starting from young age… I know I’m being greedy for having to want a lot at the same time (ex. Youngest Dr, aesthetic body, good at studying, being good at my other hobbies, reading new book every month) Surely the obstacles will be a lot I’m ready for it
In response to your question at 10.29 : To make the time for creating an uber-form where I’d fill in a whole lot of different infos about how I saw the whole thing and create procedures on how to act upon a certain set or a single situation. Noo, sorry, 1st thing would be just starting to spend a bit of a time in a day for myself, for writing and drawing and scetching the whole thing up. Ive been doing so ever since the 8th grade and I’m very satisfied by the work that has been done, I guess the bottom line is, spending more dedicated time on my meta.
To all the young people perusal this article under the age of 18 PLEASE DO NOT WASTE YOUR CHILD YEARS TRYING TO WORK, ESPECIALLY IF ITS FOR A PARENT. I get where you all are coming from you just want to help your family out, but that is not your job, your job is to go to school and experience life. School is giving you a routine and preparing you for what life is like. I am 18 years old myself and I graduated last year, you need to spend these years learning about life. Times may be tough sometimes but you get through it together, you need to understand the real meaning of that, of life, love and family before you start working to try to support your family. ITS NOT YOUR JOB
I agree with most of what you’ve said, but I HIGHLY encourage you and others not to put a time limit on getting married. The older I got, I became more concerned with the fact that I wasn’t married and therefore wasted a lot of time dating people who looked “good on paper” but I wasn’t truly in love with. DO NOT put a time limit on finding love or marriage; it will happen when it happens!
What’s gonna happen after 5 years of my life? 1. Yearly envisioning the year Weekly journal page: strategy Page where are you Where you wanna be Are they enough to get you there?( Like reflection) Make a goal: break down to daily habits and tasks forget the goal ( really? ) And achieve it Master the day journal page
I’m 15 years old and have a mindset dead set on being successful in life. Not just money, travel, education, whatever but also being happy and actually appreciate what I have done. I have very strong ADHD, OCD, and other things that obstruct my day to day thinking, consistency, and motivation to be able to design my life. For example often I get confused and overthink whatever I am doing or what to write down, where to go, what to do even in that very moment. But I believe I will find a way to design my life and achieve success. This article definitely helped. And if anyone sees this comment and have any advice please feel free to share.
I will write my goals although I am working on all of them I know it Will be better if the best wishes of the world works with me Before be 25 year old I(am) will work(ing) for 1-Be a mental strong woman whom fight against his anxious and depression. 2-To earn a salary of 70K per Month (I am really working on these) and a strong team working hand to hand with me. 3-I want the body of my dreams (I wont write how it si but I am sure how I want it) 4-To Marry with the man of my dreams (S) 5-To Be a love daughter, sister and citizen and have a strong relationship with God 6-Achieve My english level to C2 and my Korean to Level 5 7-I want to sow on all of them with love.
I’m 21 years old, and I’ve recently started to take my life more seriously. After the last three years of college and games I’m still not where I’d like to be and probably about the same place education wise from where I started. My goal for the next coming years is to finally graduate let it be an associates or bachelor and continue pushing myself until I’m at the spot where I can consider myself comfortable.
I don’t really like the sweeping generalizations designed to make you feel bad about yourself as you are now, and think you’re better than everything else just because you have a few goals “Just writing down what the coolest thing that could happen in the next five years puts you ahead of 99% of humanity” um lol please. You really think you’re the top dog in a room of 100 because you have a day dream…? Get a grip on reality
I am 12 and iw ant to ahve my desired future iw I’ll work hard and achieve it these are my 10 checkpoints in life 10th grade exam 12th grade exam Getting into harvard Study BE study MBA join Facebook, Google, Microsoft etc Start a buisness Becoem successful Get married Have children Raise them to success
I’m at 3:01 . 5 years from today. I’ve heard of national leaders who draw up 5 year plans. Not everyone follows through. We can actually do this for ourselves, and actually follow through. And, of course, ideally, we’d want to break down that 5 year plan into lots of tiny, little achievable steps. One day at a time. One moment at a time. One action at a time. One result at a time. I can see this working. I know when I don’t plan, I just end up wasting time. And I don’t want to keep doing that. I need to structure my time to get results. Results are good. Results are useful. Results are helpful.
I don’t know if anyone else feels the same way but I find this really hard to do as a mother of young children. I just hit a conscious roadblock when it comes to planning goals for myself for the next few years because I just can’t imagine a near future where I am thinking about myself. Instead I am dropping hours and goals at work and squeezing in me-time. Maybe there are seasons for goal setting and seasons where it isn’t about achieving goals. I do plan to spend more time thinking about it though to see if I can come up with anything…
7:05 “climbing the right ladder of success ” reminds me of a joke Zig Ziglar said in one of his seminars. He said “one day I was sitting next to a man and I noticed his wedding ring was on the middle finger of his left hand, and I told him sir, you know you have that on the wrong finger? He says “yeah, I married the wrong woman.”
This is a great article! I teach a career class to high school students and would love to show them this article to help them focus on writing/journaling about goals…but since you included the weird shot of you typing about photos about “nudies on instagram.” In the future, please consider leaving out images that might be awkward or inappropriate. Thanks!
Everyone has goals but some seem to accomplish far more than others that’s because people who accomplish goals at a higher rate than the average person are those who use a systematic proven method of goal-setting and goal attainment, the answer is simple, you need an effective action plan. the first step in creating an action plan is deciding exactly what you want. clarity is the most important single quality of goal setting, and perhaps the most important single quality of success instead of fuzzy goals like more money, better health, and happiness. be specific about exactly how much money you want to earn in a specific period of time, or what level of health and fitness or weight that you desire. you need to set goals that are multi-dimensional and for every part of your life, for your health, your career, your finances, your relationships, your personal and professional development, and your community, and spiritual growth this will immediately put you in a separate category from people because most people have no idea what they really want, most people are unconsciously preoccupied with the fear of failure which blocks them from setting clear specific goals, if you don’t set clear specific goals then you can’t fail to achieve them because they’re so vague this is a major reason for failure. next step, write your goals or goal down on a sheet of paper only 3% of adults have written goals and everyone else plans to write them down someday. success begins with a piece of paper, a pen and a few minutes of your time, you can start with the three goal method in less than 30 seconds, quickly write down your three most important goals in life, whatever three goals you managed to write down is probably an accurate picture of what you really want in life, when you actually write a goal down it is as if you are programming it into your subconscious mind and activating a whole series of mental powers that will enable you to accomplish much more than you ever dreamed up, you begin to expect to achieve the goal and you start to attract people and circumstances into your life that are consistent with the attainment of your goal.
I’m 15, stayed at home a year now and paused with school because of my mental health, got into the psychward three months ago, and everythings got even worse. Idk I just wanna try to save the last bit of me that has been left unbroken yet. I wanna try doing two things that make me happy and one that is productive every day and journal this. Idk, maybe it’ll help me. Wish me luck I guess<3
I absolutely loved this article on designing your life and achieving goals! The journaling exercise shared here is a powerful tool that can truly transform your mindset and help you reach your dreams. While I believe in the importance of setting goals, I also think it’s crucial to remain open to unexpected opportunities that may come your way. Remember, life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and sometimes the detours can lead to the most amazing destinations. Have you ever experienced a serendipitous moment that changed the course of your life? I’d love to hear about it!
If you been doing stuffs like kind of planning. And at the end you do fine at some days, but you’re stopped. And you forgot it later. Then one day, when browsing the news feed. You see your friends are just bought a new house. Your immediately impressed by someways. First of all, you would thinking you should have a plan for next few years. And that’s why you’re here. 🤚. But I think it’s wrong. We should analyze the reason. And fix it. I will back here two years next. And let’s what I would achieved. Fighting!!
I will be 25 soon and haven’t done much. Below average student, anti social, no confidence, singal, no money. In the next 5 years I want to travel a lot. And I especially want to see Pyramids, I also want to create a youtube website on persoal development, and also do posdcast with so many people who I admire a lot. I want to be a relationship and work on my social skills. I want to live a life that I could be proud.
THANK YOU! I feel like it can be hard. My parents have been divorced for six years (nearly seven), so I’ve never been in a good mindset to build MY life because I have to keep moving it around. Now that I’m a teen, I need to find who I am…and it’s confusing. I want to be the best at what I do, I know that I’ll never be anybody, and I need my find my voice. I’m confused, but I know I need to get my life on track, and find my values and my goals. This article has inspired me to find my life to my happiness. 💖💜💙
This article changed my life, and I keep coming on this back and back when I feel I hit a plateau, or feel I need to change something or get better. I have achieved everything that I wrote in my journal that I need to achieve in next 5 years, I wrote this in my journal in 2019, and proud to say I have achieved them all. Thanks ModernHealthMonk.
so true brother. experimenting is key and actually finding the things you want. School and college doesn’t teach us who we are and then people get out of them and pick the best job they can without even finding themselves first. The 20s are for exploring, building a solid foundation and finding yourself amoungst all the experiences that are possible before your responsibilities stack up!
I’m glad that my 20s turned out the way they did because I got to figure out for myself what I wanted to do despite my degree. I made little to nothing or volunteered but the skills I’ve acquired have helped me so much. Now at 30 I have more of a sense of which direction I want to go in and the skills to help me get to where I want to go. So to those stressing about not making a lot of money right out of college, don’t sweat it. Enjoy the possibilities that are out there because you don’t know where those will lead in the long run.