A closet remodel is an opportunity to transform a basic or inadequate closet into a fortress of functionality, efficiency, and style. To create a successful closet remodel, start with a clear understanding of your needs, evaluate what items you need to store, your current closet’s shortcomings, and consider space-saving tips for a custom closet system.
Before designing or redesigning your closet, consider your space, whether it’s big enough, getting organized, sharing a closet, ergonomics matter, limit drawers, get your shoes off the floor, and luxury additions. Properly designed, will their sizes work for you? If you move a wall(s) to make both work better, and if so, is it a load-bearing wall? Before starting on your closet remodel, evaluate your existing space and storage needs to help you make better decisions about your new closet’s design.
Custom closet places are often priced between $15-20K and up, but they are fancy and have lots of options. Choose a closet system that supports drawers and configurable shelves instead of static ones and add shelves up high to store out of season items. When deciding how to remodel your closet, think about the four major areas you’ll need to consider in your design: walls, ceiling, floor, and door.
In summary, creating a master bedroom closet remodel involves determining your budget, measuring your closet, choosing a closet system and/or materials, and designing your closet to maximize its functionality, efficiency, and style. By considering these factors, you can create a well-organized and functional space that removes stress from your daily routine.
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